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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Actually, I pitched some Gen 2 1272 since I had it available. OG turned out to be 1.048.
Martin, would you mind crushing with my mill for a batch? Happy to bring it down to yours. I want to see if it's my crush that is damaging my efficiency. The numbers you have above are so impressive - with 3.9 kg of grain my system would only give me 1.038.
Barry if you're interested in sorting out your eff problems this spreadsheet and info is really helpful.
Finally downloaded that and had a look at it, it's good so I will have to use it with my next brew to see where I'm loosing percentages.
Sure, happy to give it a go sometime.
Hopefully this will keep the masses happy on xmas day.

1.048, 20 IBU, 66C mash, 2.6vol CO2, 5 SRM

97.7% UK Pale (pearl)
2.3% Carahell

20IBU southern cross @ 60
1.5g/L US Cascade @ 0
0.75g/L US Cascade - dry hop

SO5 @ 20C
Didn't read the /L bit at first and thought you were using 2.25g of Cascade total - there's toning it down for the masses and then there's just being stingy! Looks good - I might do another batch of my NZ Cascade ale this weekend in time for xmas also.
Awesome brew day.

Hit my OG spot on, first time in a while it hasn't been +-2 points. Except for a few hop bits I got 20L of ultra-clear wort into the fermenter. Dropped my koppafloc down to 0.5g insteard of 1.0g and actually got a trub cone this time, and a tighter layer of trub - less 'fluffy' than usual, was much easier to draw off.

Let's hope the beer's as good as the brew day!
Well it Feels like an Eternity since I have brewed 3 weeks!! Heres the Caseswap beers

50% Global Pils
25% Wheat
10% Carapils
5% Honey
5% Dextrose
5% Clear Belgian Sugar

64 Deg Mash

25Ibus of Motueka @ 15

1.070 7.3% Alc

Unibroue Yeast pitched @ 18 and risen to 24 over 6 Days. Sugars added on day 4, Nice!!!!
That looks sweet! Dry Belgiany goodness :D
All set to go in the morning
90% Global Kolsch,
6% Dark Crystal
3% Caramalt
1% Chocolate
1.040 with Super Alpha to bitter and Mot @ 30, 10 & 1, dry hop too and US05

Supposed to be a cracker day here tomorrow too, might get some seedlings planted out
Spuds are going berserk, plenty of tops and after a rootle round in the dirt last night, came accross some lil' potatoes - bounty !
Irish Red this morning:


4kg Golden Promise
0.13kg Bairds Pale Crystal
0.13kg Bairds Dark Crystal
0.1kg Roasted Barley

40g of Fuggles/Goldings at 60min to 25IBU


90min mash and just decided to go 75min boil as my burner is struggling in the wind and the evap rate is way off what it should be.


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