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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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So whatever happened to ' recirculate until the wort runs clear, it should only take 2 to 3 litres'

Are the standard instructions a little flawed ?
Yeah your right jt what happend to those instructions, If mash conditions are perfect and your grain crush, manifold and everything is perfect for that beer than it will runn clear within 500mls but if the veribles change it more re circ more I prefer to use time for a run off of 750mls per litre, 7mins for my system and im bang on
I don't think the instructions are flawed, like Mike says when you pull in some different variables it changes a little. Especially if you're running quite a tight crush.

Also the '2 to 3 litres' thing also usually says until it isn't cloudy, with a big recirc I'm getting almost crystal clear wort.

It's also worth noting that too much recirculation can start to pull lipids and stuff from the grain, but I think that only comes into play with RIMS/HERMS systems where the mash is being constantly recirculated.
Yeah but how bigs the mash? 1kg or 1000kg? that one two three litre just dont cut the mustard with 1000L or Kgs!! line size mash size and everything like that comes into play, its a whole can of worms!!
OK - 'recirculate until clear and free of particles' is a pretty standard instruction, it's a bit different to 'recirculate your whole draining' yea ?

You can be clear and free in 2 or 3 litres in a homebrew batch size, but if you get lotsa malty goodness by recirculating 10 litres why not say so ? maybe it's just to make it sound so quick & easy ?
Yeah, true but I have brewed with people who confeuse clear (of Grain) with wort clarity, I used to do the same. I cannot comment to how much you need to recirc as my system is so lazy that I dont worry to much aout this (moral of the story it get your mash right)
anyone know the dimentions of a brewcraft fermenter?
Roughly 42cm high with a diameter at the lid of 40cm for the 30 litre one

[edit] 45x41
so thats 45cm high, and 41cm diameter at lid?

Yep. Or there about. I made a chiller box to take one so the 45 may be taking the airlock in to account.
Got this in the fermenter and just finished cleaning up.

Boot Boy Bitter

20L, 32IBU, 1.047

4.00kg Pearl pale malt
0.21 Melanoidin
0.21 Dark Crystal
0.11 Amber Malt

Southern Cross for bittering
15g Amarillo at 20, 1 and dry hop.

Wyeast 1272 @ 22C
Dunk that Dunkel

20L, 29IBU, 1.052

4.6kg Munich
0.20 Carafa II special

Hallertau Aroma at 60 and 20.

Chilling now, will pitch 2 packs of 34/70 in the morning when it hit's 7c. Then bring up to 10 over 48hrs.


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