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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Going to brew this on Monday!! Recipe is for 40L 2x Kegs one is for the work shout!!

4.88 kg Global Pilsner (best pils malt if I do say so myself can even use it for pale ales!!)
0.57 kg Wheat Malt
0.29 kg Cara Pils
30.00 gm Simcoe Hops
20.00 gm Simcoe 15 min
50.00 gm Amarillo Gold 10 min
60.00 gm Amarillo 20 min Aroma Hop-Steep
30.00 gm Simcoe 20 min Aroma Hop-Steep
White Labs WLP007

SG 1.038
1.009 SG
Estimated Color: 5.3 EBC
Bitterness: 26.4 IBU
Estimated Alcohol by Volume: 3.7%
85% Efficiency
1) where do you work?

2) are you hiring?
Mid strength, overfull flavour!
Its for our clients!! Come buy a bag of plaster and try!! hahaha

Yeah so so thirsty for low strenght medium to high hopped Blondies at the moment!!
Yeah, I prefer my blondes with big... er..um... hops.....
blondes with big... er..um?

Do you mean TiTs James? how rude!!
Going to brew a single hop pale ale using 200gm Rakau. Will go something like this for 19L:

- 3Kg Blackrock Light LME
- 330gm Light DME
- 250gm steeped Crystal grain
- 25gm Rakau @ 1 hour, 45 mins, 30 mins, 15 mins, 5 mins & 0 mins
- 1 pack US-05
- 25gm Rakau for dry hopping
- 25gm Rakau in priming solution
Man looking forward to trying this Christian.......
Yesterday was Tomato Sauce Mk II in the HLT - um the big pot. Longer boil, 4 hours, no idea the evaporation rate but it's nice & thick & very smooth. Added more cayenne and garlic this time

Cascade ale tomorrow - usual 1.040 and 25'ish IBU
Masho !
94% ADM
6% Pale Crystal and a handfull of choccy for excitement
13 IBU Super Alpha to bitter and 12 IBU cascade from 30 minutes
1.040 with US05
Mash on, sparge water heating, had brekkie and now watching the clouds scud by at a great rate of knots
30min addition of Cascade JT?

You certainly are verturing into the dark side here aren't you!

You should chuck 10 - 20g in at flameout just for the thrill of it!

Yea, 30 min - been doing this a long time - like the flavour, all late hops seems a little thin
30min 15 min and 1 or 0 min, dry hop 1g / l

As for thrills ? Well that was the handfull of chocolate !


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