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I read a lot about people using Munich in porters. If Vienna is a lighter Munich, go for it.
Try 5 or 10% in place of the pale ?

I re-thought my post about the crystal. When I did a porter 250gm each crystal, caramalt and chocolate, it was to sweet, sickly.
Try John Palmers Porter
5% Crystal 5% Chocolate, 2.5% Black, whatever you want to add in the way of Vienna and balance your pale
I was originally going make JP's Port 'O Palmer but have deviated after reading somewhere that it is a bit dry and harsh, hence no black. Maybe I should go back to Plan A and trust good ole JP, he hasn't failed me yet.
Can't really comment, I haven't tried it.

Not a big fan of black myself, but if I were to do it I'd probably make a concession to the man and drop 50gm in the batch.

I often use 25gm roast barley in a light brown porter for a little bite. Try 25 each of black and roast maybe ?
My last (robust) porter was maris otter, munich, dark crystal, crystal, pale choc and black patent. Wasn't over roasty at all, pretty darn drinkable actually.
Something like:
5kg MO
600gm munich
300gm crystal
150gm dark crystal
150gm pale choc
150gm black patent
to about 1.062 (memory is hazy)
single addition of goldings and s04
Tonights brew! 100% lager malt, decoction mash, 28 ibu,s 120 min boil, 1968 ale yeast.
Not looking forward to that almost ineviteble stuck sparge or 3!
Expect to be finished about 2 or 3 am!
On the books tomorrow...

20 IBU

UK Pale
Carmunich III



Can't rember the amounts, hoping for something belgian pale ale-ish.
Good one Denim.

My first Belgian with T-58, as below, is already finished. Steve Nally shared the last jug. It was probably superb from about two weeks, so it is a good quick working yeast. Keep the ferment at the lower end to keep phenols down a little (unless you want some). I'm sure I'll use it again soon.

The K-97 was really sulphury. It's just coming on tap now (probably about 8 weeks old).

As for the recipe. I'd drop the crystal to 2% next time (and use T-58 in both fermenters!). Very happy with everything else.

90% Maris Otter
6% Munich 2
4% Dark Crystal
Mashed at 66c
All styrian goldings (60min and 15min). The first 90min boil I've had in a while.
OG 1.050, IBU 22.
Two fermenters - one with a pack of Safale T-58 and the other with Safale K-97.
First all grain batch now in the fermenter. Seemed to go pretty well. Phew!
Also had my first experience with Hauraki Home Brew, service was excellent, I would definatley recommend them.

70% MO
10% Crystal
10% Munich
5% Choc
3% Black Patent
2% Roast Barley

East Kent Goldings all the way 60, 30 & 10 min. 29 IBUs.
Looks like a solid brew! Enjoy!
Scottish Wee Heavy:
7kg marris otter
500g carapils
500g medium crystal
200g dark crystal
75g black patent
40g roast barley

NZ goldings 15g 60 mins
NZ goldings 10g 30 mins

wyeast 1338 european ale

O.G. 1070
I'm a bit skint at the minute so today's brew is Storecupboard Larger! Whatever I had in the cupboard topped up with a can of LME:
* 0.5kg Munich malt (steeped at 70 degrees C for 30 mins)
* 0.5kg Vienna malt (steeped as above)
* 1 can of John Bull Pilsner kit hopped malt extract
* 1.5kg can Black Rock light LME
* 13g NZ Hallertau hops (60 mins)
* 25g Motueka hops (10 mins)
* 1 tsp irish moss (10 mins)
* 5 tsp yeast nutrient salts
* 1 sachet Saflager W34/70 yeast

OG 1044, 23l batch.

No idea how it'll turn out. Sat in the fermenter at 12 degrees.

i did my standard sauvin ale again last night. well, i say standard, but i usually tweak something - in this case, with autumn coming on i decided to throw in a few oats with my usual base of otter and 100g of wheat malt. hops straight sauvin, which i like.

i have an altbier, which was pils, caramunich and carafa, still going in the fermenter after a week or more - wyeast 1338 is as slow as its reputation, but the hydrometer says 1014 so not far to go - 2pts or so - and it tastes pretty good.

next up the long thought about blonde ale. JT - its not likely to be ready for anzac day and i'm probably away in auckland that day anyway, but would be keen to catch up around that time for a taste of whatever is in the cellar.

after that a couple of porters are planned. a robust robust porter (1065OG) and a german porter. i had one of these (the only one?) when i was in germany a few months back, made by the Hoepfner brewery of Karlsruhe. Yum. Dark munich and pils base, with lashings of caramel and carafa on top.


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