Does anyone have or know the Wyeast equivalent of the Fermentis yeasts. Am relatively familiar with the Wyeast varieties but am not particularly organised so dry yeast would be a more convienient way to go.
Permalink Reply by jt on October 30, 2009 at 8:58pm
not particularly organised so dry yeast would be a more convienient way to go
Short on good organised time myself and using dried yeast for probably the last year - convenience brewing, no preperation required. Mill, brew and pitch, couldn't be easier. Not as classy as quoting a three or four digit yeast with your posted recipe, but wtf, the people reading the post don't get to drink the beer
the people reading the post don't get to drink the beer
But they get to respect your balla status.
Yeah K97 is nothing like a wheat yeast, more like a kolsch yeast from some hazy memories a couple years back, which seems to be the new consensus anyways.