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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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We grew it up from a single 11g packet ;-)

Nah, we used two 500g packets from NZ hops.

I just wanted to give it a bash. Push the boat a little. I've used it in all of the PKB trials I've ever done except, ironically, the PKB remix trial. In that I used WLP Cali V and found that it finished just a shade too sweet for my liking. So, I thought to myself, why not?

We've not used the same yeast twice, yet. But we're about to break that as we'll reuse this in our NZPA for summer.
Martin's? you'll need to message The Grandmaster on that front.

I had the trial on handpump at Kieran's Bar (see Mason's Arms on facebook) - it was really nice through the handpump.
NZ Hops sell US-05 in these big packs
Must be difficult living in Auckland. No power, no beer... :P
Typical Wellingtonians - clutching at any reason to not feel so miserable about where they live ;)
PKB (Remixed) now in stock (330ml Bottles, Limited Stock):


I never really caught up with what PKB (Remixed) was. Sounds like a $9.99 CD from the warehouse - tell me it ain't so ?
I had some PKB from the tap at the Malthouse this evening. Could have been the combination of a Clydesdale and spicy curry beforehand, but didn't think it was tasting its best. Rounded off with another king afterwards...not His Majesty...but the King of Pop ;)
Better not be Rakau - I hate that stuff!
Well I'll have to find someone else to send my samples to......
No offense intended James - just haven't had a beer with it in that I like: Including my own. I will commend any brewer that can use it in a beer that tastes good.

Personal preference plays a lot too. Heaps of people cant stand blue cheese... I love it. Heaps of people like Lion Red... I hate it.
Didn't Kid Chocolate have a splash of Rakau? Can't say I noticed much in the way of hops with KC though.


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