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Calm down lads! so they're basically cheap chinese/indian thin wall construction. OK so as a fermenter fine, as Mr JT says. Yeah I'd add a tap and being SS, it'd be easy to strip down and boil!

Failing this solution anyone like to recommend a fermenter solution that is not a glass carboy or plastic bucket?
So you really want a stainless fermenter Martin ? If you don't want to splashout on a conical, what about a keg ? I think Sparky is using a converted 50 litre keg and I know that some people have used cornies
not using a corny as they are tricky to get clean of yeast. Conical would be nice but I've not got the cash or the space in the fridge!
Would a Sanke keg fit in your fermenter fridge??
I see Nolen's onto the next stumpy! :)
I dont want to bust this realbeerers balls but


Its got to be worth something?
I've been looking for a picture of the workings of the pump for ages. Some nice pictures there, may have to have a go at making one.
We do not see these in Welly often.


I was going to buy one before, but don't need it now that I have a good pot and bag from Liberty.
I'm pretty sure those kegs don't have a flat bottom once you take that rubber thing off, may be worth checking out before you buy it just in case.
yeah you're right. I bought one of these only to discover exactly that. But the rubber bottom is attached to the keg by 3 bolts welded onto the keg so I atttached some metal feet for it to stand on, it works fine.
Bit pricey though I paid $40 for mine if I remember correctly.
Haha kegerator for the rich guys in Remaz :-P
Following Greig lead of not sharing!! So broke right now!! But stoked at the same token!!



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