I ran across this article, and it shows why hops went up in price in 2008. They seem to assert that hops will continue to go up, and endanger craft brewing / home brewing.
Is this just BS? What kind of effects have been in NZ, and what do you see in the future in your crystal carboy?
Permalink Reply by Mark on October 17, 2009 at 7:35pm
These things tend to fluctuate quite quickly, I wouldn't be surprised to see the hop supply bounce back in a couple of years. Every article I read talks about big breweries selling less beer and more RTDs etc, so maybe that will offset the high alpha demand and keep the aroma hop supply ticking over. Interesting how NZ produces a lot of dual purpose hops, maybe this is the way things will go in the future. In any event I will keep on brewing, even if it means making a beer with only ADM pils and super alpha hops!
Permalink Reply by jt on October 17, 2009 at 9:31pm
Oh I don't know, one of the best extract & grains recipes I ever did was the NZ Hops Irish Red, 5% crystal and 2% chocolate, bitter with green bullet and Super Alpha to finish.
Unfortunately I haven't replicated it with ADM Pils yet !