I thought it was impossible to get a stuck mash with a batch sparge ?
I've had a couple of batch sparges set solid on me lately
Here's how it goes.
Mash then top up, brings mash to 77 - 78C. Wait 10 - 15 min and then recirculate 5 or 6 litres, nice & clear then drain.
Add batch sparge water. Wait 10 - 15 min and then recirculate 5 or 6 litres, nice & clear then drain. But half way through this drain the mash has set solid. Stir, wait and drains ok.
maybe my crush is gettin to fine - but wouldn't this effect the first drain too ?
Does the amount you recirculate contribute ?
Using a perforated false bottom in a round pail
Any thoughts ?
cheers, jt