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This is quite amazing. See attached file (you may need to download it and open it with Adobe Reader)

The sooner this lunacy is challenged and defeated the better!

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I was interested to see Island Bay New World stocking some genuine Radler's:
Gösser Natur Radler
Puntigamer Almradler
Puntigamer der Radler

I think Maurice might be having some fun!
I've heard Maurice has sold Island Bay New World... can anyone confirm or deny?
Same as you, heard through grapevine. I think settlement is end of the month. I';ve nervous how this will effect the beer range!

So what was the word on the trademark hearing involving Radler?

How did it all end up?

They had the hearing last week, decision expected to take a month or so.

Here's last night's update from Campbell Live...


When is the decision expected? I wish I paid attention to this earlier, as this is shocking!


How on earth can one make a trademark of a style? 


In a related note, did I see the trademark attny mention DB registering other styles as well? Winter Ale, Summer Ale, Dopplebock? Even if it is only one style, this is unheard of.

I recognised some of those faces, but not the bar.. where was it?
It looked like The Hop Garden, in Wellington to me.

It was. Rob Owen and Martin Bulmer representing for us! ;)


Michael: They had Saison. They dropped it. Wise. It'd be fine if they registered "Monteiths Saison", "Monteiths Doppelbock", "Monteiths Radler" etc. Our (SOBA's) issue is not really with DB at all, but with IPONZ. Unfortunately. you can't take govt. depts to task in NZ. Ridiculous, I know. So we're forced to go after the company who took advantage of the poor law, rather than the instigators of it.

"you can't take govt. depts to task in NZ"


I thought that was what the Ombudsman's office was for. I know of a case where someone took on the Police and won.

Pilgrim, there are plenty of ways to take the govt to task in NZ... but a right-wing libertarian isn't about to admit that :)


In this instance I'm assuming they wouldn't want to be involved, as they'd see a right of review already being in place and that they wouldn't just be judging on whether the process/handling of the situation has been unfair.


I guess there could be value in trying to challenge the idea of being allowed to trademark simple/know terms... but that would meet fierce resistance from the businesses that currently hold them - and they are generally the ones with the money/influence to reach politicians.


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