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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Very pleasant evening's drinking (although my wife did ask the pointed "When was the last evening you didn't have a drink?" question):

Barry's American Brown - awesome drop! Balance between malt and hops was divine. The first bottle disappeared in seconds, luckily I had another. Thanks for the birthday pressie mate!

Stone Ruination IPA - Another US IPA that has survived the journey well. Aggressive bitterness, but lots of fruit sweetness. Glad I've got a second bottle of this lurking in the fridge too.
Last night:

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Anchor Steam Beer
Plan K

Both Sierra and Anchor were good but maybe a tad travelled. I liked the Anchor, would love to try it fresh.
Plank K was tip top :D
Dogfish Head 90 Minute Imperial IPA - Intriguing drop. They claim that there's a single 90-minute hop addition (plus large dry hop). Bitterness was very smooth, I even detected hints of chocolate. Liked this a lot.
I liked it a lot too. the "single addition" is continuous... so there are hops constantly entering the boil for the entire 90min.
Ah, this would explain the smooth, multi-faceted flavour. Nice.
Met the Brewer's Guild guys after their BrewNZ wrap up meeting yesterday (to pick up the Beervana People's Choice trophy).

Mac's Great White - I'm digging this right now
Mac's Sassy Red

Then home to have a catch up with my bro:
Plan K
Nerdherder Trial
His Majesty
Her Majesty Trial
Trappistes Rochefort 6
Maredsous 6 Blond

Love those Belgian's
Epic lager and wishing I hadn't just played indoor football at ten o'clock. Stupid late kick offs.

Gives me more time to plan my next couple of brews
Ninkasi Tricerahops - fuckin' aye!!!!

Brew Moon Dark Side... yeh, not bad (reckon Sam might like that thought).
Stonecutter, tasting awesome from the tap.
Firestone Walker Pale 91, tastes like it could have been good but hops have thinned.
Mata Horopito, crap.
Sierra Nevada Torpedo, amazingly amazing as usual.
Epic Pale on tap at Pom's.... much better than the bottle in my opinion.
Just sampled some Plan K at the Free House - a non beer drinking work colleague thought it smelt like DB! To be fair, I think that all beer smells like DB to her.

I thought it was a nice drop by the way.


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