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Thought it might be handy to have a thread for some of the more advanced brewers to give some advice on recipes.

Let's see how it goes eh...

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OK Ropey, it's Sunday, how'd Saturday's brew go ?
Iv been asked to brew a 'hoppy pale ale' for a friends wedding.

Was going to do somethinhg like

For 55 Liters

84% Marris Otter
8% Crystal 60
8% Wheat Malt

OG: 1.052
IBU 55

Nelson Sauvin 40g (45min)
Cascade 100g (15min)
Willamette 50g (15min)
Cascade 60g (flameout)
Willamette 30g (flameout)
Nelson Sauvin 60g (flameout)
Cascade 40g (fwh)
Willamette 20g (fwh)

split fermenters 05 & 04 yeasts

Any advice?
weekend recipe suggestions!

i'm looking for a few recipe suggestions for a weekend brew session, i'm thinking of an esb and an ipa but i'm open to suggestions,
i have in stock 20 kg of pale malt
200g cascade,200g goldings and 50g saaz
i also have , following a home roasting experiment approx 1 kg of pale each dry roasted for 15,30 and 1 hour (300ish g each) and soaked then wet roasted for 1, 1.5 and 2 hrs (again 300g each)

i can make up to about 40 litres with my equipment

somewhat experimental i know but whats the worst that can happen?:-)

any suggestions?

cheers in advance
I am really happy with these, if it helps? Good drinkers, if maybe on the higher ABV side. Just tone it down a little. I would not call them quafers, but they hit the spot ;)
What yeasts do you have?

I'd maybe make an English IPA using the pale malt, and a mix of the dry and wet toasts (and maybe some caramel malt of you have any on hand), then majority goldings for the hops and just a touch of cascade to mix it up a little.
saflager s-23 and wyeast 1028. i'll also have some washed yeast from an oktoberfest when i bottle it, it was wyeast, cant remember the number though
the article i read on toasting suggested that soaking malt for an hour and then roasting gives you something similar to crystal/caramel so i'm hoping thats what i've got.
Sorry Martin, were you trying to only use what you have or are you prepared to add a little to it? You have a good array of hops. Roasting your own, that would be interesting, to see what you come up with. But hey, experimentation is always good. How does it taste, dry?
they taste a little toastier and perhaps a little sweeter, i can easily order from dmh but i was thinking of using what i had on hand, i figured with 2 kgs of different levels of toast i should be able to get something worthwhile!
here's what i went with, it was my first all grain brew, all the ingredients were cheap as they were home roasted base malt and the yeast was from the oak in arrowtown. i went with this so if i ballsed up my first ag then i wasn't too much out of pocket!

brewday went o.k ish, didn't anticipate the amount of time it took to heat up water so my mash ended up being about 80 mins instead of 60, my manifold fell apart and i ended up with a stuck mash, a few blows and burnt lips sorted that out! i was slack about volumes so i just winged it and guessed! i forgot to take a gravity reading so i have no idea about efficiency, but the wort was sweet, the mashed grains wern't, it smelt good, i learned heaps and with a bit of tweaking i'm hoping the next one will run pretty smoothly!

checked the fermenter after about 10 hours and it was going off, i've never had so much activity so quickly!

trial esb
September 14, 2009

Category English Pale Ale
Subcategory Extra Special/Strong Bitter (English Pale Ale)
Recipe Type All Grain
Batch Size 30 liters
Volume Boiled 35 liters
Mash Efficiency 72 %
Total Grain/Extract 8.10 kg.
Total Hops 150.0 g.
Calories (12 fl. oz.) 220.5
Cost to Brew $66.05 (USD)
Cost per Bottle (12 fl. oz.) $0.78 (USD)

6 kg. Pale Malt info
0.4 kg. 15min dry roast
0.4 kg. 2hr wet roast
0.3 kg. 30 min dry roast
1 kg. Barley Raw info
50 g. Saaz (Pellets, 5.00 %AA) boiled 60 min. info
50 g. Goldings (Pellets, 5.00 %AA) boiled 15 min. info
50 g. Goldings (Pellets, 5.00 %AA) boiled 5 min. info
Yeast : london ale yeast from local micro

Predicted Extra Special/Strong Bitter (English Pale Ale) Compliance
Original Gravity 1.056 1.048 - 1.060 100 %
Terminal Gravity 1.013 1.010 - 1.016 100 %
Color 14.48 °SRM 6.00 - 18.00 °SRM 100 %
Bitterness 36.9 IBU 30.00 - 50.00 IBU 100 %
Alcohol (%volume) 5.6 % 4.60 - 6.20 % 100 %
100 % overall
Congrats on your first AG, sounds like it went like a typical first AG!

I'd be really interested to hear how those home toasted malts come out, please keep us updated :-)
Congrats Martin, sounds good. Ah the joy of using good yeast. Someone once described the difference between liquid and dry yeast, between the difference of employing a professional contractor and employing a cheap Mexican
Ah, you love to rag on the dried yeast don't you Tony?! I tend to agree that overall you are more likely to get an authentic beer using liquid yeast, but dried yeasts have their place. I'd like to point out that my 2 gold medal-winning beers in this year's NHC were both brewed using dried yeast.


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