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What an awesome day. Just boiling now my American Brown, which I'm grooming for higher honours (muahahaha...)

5kg Maris Otter
0.5 kg wheat
0.35kg crystal
0.1 Pale Chocolate
0.05kg Amber (ran out)
0.05 kg roasted barley.
Sauvin @ 6o min
Cascade @ 15min
Motueka @ 10min
Cascade @ flame out
Styrian Golding Dry Hop
50 IBUs
US 05

75% efficiency! Thats a Bambule personal Best. Seems like that Mike and Joking coaching paid off. That and the sacrificing of a goat and offering my first born to the brewing gods now I think about it....
Couple of brews this week to help the old stock levels - the 1st is a Double Batch of Wheat Beer, and the 2nd will be this Saturday with the Old Barleywine I've been planning for a while:

Organic Weizen
15-A Weizen/Weissbier
Author: J Wood

Size: 27.27 L
Efficiency: 82.0%
Attenuation: 76.0%
Calories: 167.43 kcal per 12.0 fl oz

Original Gravity: 1.050 (1.044 - 1.052)
Terminal Gravity: 1.012 (1.010 - 1.014)
Color: 9.26 (3.94 - 15.76)
Alcohol: 5.02% (4.3% - 5.6%)
Bitterness: 11.4 (8.0 - 15.0)

3.3 kg Wheat Malt Pale (Organic)
2.0 kg Pilsner Malt (Organic)
.5 kg Munich TYPE II
24.0 g Tettnanger (5.2%) - added during boil, boiled 60 min

00:03:00 Mash In - Liquor: 11.6 L; Strike: 58.81 °C; Target: 52.0 °C
00:18:00 Protein Rest - Rest: 15.0 min; Final: 52.0 °C
00:19:00 1st Step Infusion - Water: 3.62 L; Temperature: 100.5 °C; Target: 62.0 °C
00:49:00 Saccrification 1 - Rest: 30.0 min; Final: 62.0 °C
00:50:00 2nd Step Infusion - Water: 6.3 L; Temperature: 99.8 °C; Target: 72.0 °C
01:20:00 Saccrification 2 - Rest: 30.0 min; Final: 72.0 °C
01:50:00 Sparge - Sparge Volume: 24.2 L; Sparge Temperature: 78 °C; Runoff: 24.25 L

Debilitated Defender
19-C American Barleywine

Size: 24.77 L
Efficiency: 78.0%
Attenuation: 80.0%
Calories: 349.67 kcal per 12.0 fl oz

Original Gravity: 1.104 (1.080 - 1.120)
Terminal Gravity: 1.021 (1.016 - 1.030)
Color: 27.44 (19.7 - 37.43)
Alcohol: 11.13% (8.0% - 12.0%)
Bitterness: 148.5 (50.0 - 120.0)

9.5 kg Global Kolsch Malt
1 kg CaraMalt 37EBC
.5 kg White Table Sugar (Sucrose)
60 g Chinook (13.0%) - added during boil, boiled 90 min
30 g Chinook (13.0%) - added during boil, boiled 15 min
50 g Centennial (9.7%) - added during boil, boiled 15 min
50 g Amarillo (8.4%) - added during boil, boiled 15 min
50 g Centennial (9.7%) - added during boil, boiled 5 min
50 g Amarillo (8.4%) - added during boil, boiled 5 min
10 g Chinook (13.0%) - added during boil, boiled 5 min

00:03:00 Mash In - Liquor: 23.1 L; Strike: 73.55 °C; Target: 65.0 °C
01:33:00 Mash - Rest: 90.0 min; Final: 63.0 °C
01:33:00 Sparge - Sparge Volume: 43.81 L; Sparge Temperature: 75.6 °C; Runoff: 44.0 L
Going organic Brother Joking? Has the recent brush with the swine shaped flu instigated a reassessment of your brewing philosophy?
What can I say...? The local brewery down here has been able to supply some ingredients for a Hefe Weiss Bier - and because of their Organic Certification... I guess Cryer assumed that they were after Organic malts!

At least if the beer is any good - it may make an appearance at the Organic Octoberfest party at Whitecliffs on the 3rd of October!
Ah yes, Mike's. Have to pay them a visit. All this sunshine has made me start thinking about wheat beers. Planning a wit next. You'd know, What's been your source of unmalted wheat in this country. Any readily bought supermarket product?
By the way, that blonde I sent you is peaking now, give it a crack if its still in yo' fridge.
It's still in the fridge - I'll give it a nudge this weekend with Mike.

I got my unmalted wheat from brewers coop via mail order - he should still have some. Otherwise... there is Bin Inn which has kibbled wheat. What you have to do with kibbled wheat though - is boil it for an hour or so first to gelatinise it - and you add that goop to your mash... then the enzymes convert the gelatinised starches. Dont go over 20% with this method though - use up the rest of your wheat portion as malted wheat.

If you ask the pope (JZ) however - he's just say forget raw wheat as it is just a cost cutting measure from having to pay the extra expense of breweries buying malted wheat. I'd tend to agree, as using unmalted stuff in the mash is just a plain old fashioned pain is the arse.

Your decision though... But I doubt youd notice a hell of a lot of difference in flavour if you didn't use raw wheat.

The next wit I brew will be all malted wheat... I wouldn't even bother with rolled oats!

Having said that... I have a kilo you can have - I'll send it down with Mike if you want it!
If you want me to get you some Tony I will im over next week.
Fellas, all this good advice. Look, I trust yr' judgement, and I'm no style guideline nazi, I have a good source of malted wheat, so I'll stick with that. Organic too...eh. Thanks for the offer Mike, loved the Styrian ale, by the way, an underrated hop, the yeast you used impressed me more, seemed to really dry it out, could have drunk it all night.
Cheers Tony yeah its been my weekness all week the keg has about a litre left in it, I cant help but think now it needs something else, did you notice how that yeast drys it out but leaves it with the sweet notes of the caramalts? that what impresses me about WLP001 if you ask me, you can stick you 1056 up wyeast bum. Whitelabs for me!! Did you get on the Belgian?
yeah, took it to a party on Saturday night and scared some of the locals with it, just what I needed though standing outside freezing my arse off. cheers for those.
So what you think, Solventy aye with a large flat spot through out.


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