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A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to attend the annual Emerson's Masterclass at Regional Wines and Spirits. A last minute stroke of good luck saw me going from having no ticket, to two tickets, in the space of 24 hours. I've been to these over the last few years... (including this stunning and prophetic one a couple of years ago and the great "JP Belgian yeast-off" last year).

Once I'd settled in, and had a wee chat with my table neighbours (including our own Alasdair), I noticed from the list on the whiteboard that I'd tried each the beers before (a first for an Emerson's tasting for me - I guess it is a sign of the times with all the Brewer's Reserve beers being regularly available in Wellington now). Any disappointment of having no new experimental beers to taste was short lived. The beers tasted amazing, the stability (with some beers being 4 months old) was excellent and the skilful use of hop combinations (NZ especially) and different water treatments and yeasts were unlike anything I've tasted before - and all coming from one brewery.

Here's a lit of the beers presented. Most were bottled, and every single one of the Brewer's Reserve beers tasted even better than they had from the tap - a particulalrly impressive feat. I've attached brewer notes also, they're well worth a read.

M'Lord Ale (BR)
Gallifrey Pale Ale (BR)
Fresh Hop Harvest Ale (BR)
Very Brown Ale (BR)
Hoppy Porter (BR)
London Porter
Old 95
Old Cascade
JP 2009

I must say that tasting these beers reminded me of how important and innovative the team at Emerson's are to the New Zealand brewing scene. There are brewers in New Zealand who bring out great single releases here and there but very few that hit the mark time and time again. This tasting was like listening to an entire album of great songs... no fillers, no duds... all class.

I've been a big fan of emerson's fans over the years. They've taken some hits in on here in the last year or two, and I've been drinking less of their beer as more craft breweries have lifted their game, but something tells me to watch out... this sleeping giant is reawakening.

Mad mad props to all the team at Emerson's Brewery!

(Mad Props to Regionals and Geoff Griggs as well - these monthly beer tastings are superb, and is an excellent presenter, I'd love to get to more).

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10 years ago my wife tasted Emersons Weissbier in Milford Sound whilst travelling here and along with her fellow German companions declared it as good as anything they had tasted in their homeland and set off for Dunedin where the Late george Emerson gave them a tour around their humble wee brewery. Silke was astounded at the hospitality they were shown. With in the year we were married and now run a bar trying to repay the goodwill of Emersons and like minded brewers by putting quality products on the market. Richard is correct...Its the customers who win. Thank you Emersons and Congratulations to IMHO our most consistent brewer and brewery.
Richard shows his delight on Dunedin local news...

What a great article. Emerson's deserve every bit of kudos.


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