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10-A American Pale Ale

Size: 24.39 L
Efficiency: 86.0%
Attenuation: 80.0%
Calories: 183.48 kcal per 12 fl oz

Original Gravity: 1.056 (1.045 - 1.060)
Terminal Gravity: 1.011 (1.010 - 1.015)
Color: 16.38 (9.9 - 27.6)
Alcohol: 5.83% (4.5% - 6.2%)
Bitterness: 66.5 (30.0 - 45.0)

5 kg Maris Otter Pale
.2 kg Caramalt 33
.1 kg Melanoidin Malt

Ambient Air: 21.11 °C
Source Water: 15.56 °C
Elevation: 0.0 m

00:03:00 Mash In - Liquor: 13.25 L; Strike: 75.33 °C; Target: 67 °C
01:03:00 Sacc Rest - Rest: 60.0 min; Final: 66.0 °C

It is going to be intersting to see what yeast strain you fellas think I have used in this beer. Your options are US-05, wlp001, WyEast1056.

The winner gets to keep their label from the bottle.

Views: 670

Replies to This Discussion

Cheers Crab Man...

This one got a solid dose of 18 degrees throughout.

1 WY1056
3 US-05
3 wlp-001
I'm feeling so much like the guy that said I don't mind a MMF threesome.
Does that mean you think it's a blend of all three with a little bit of Joking in there also?
The aroma's like opening a new bag of hop pellets. Great malt profile, fantastic attenuation, hop flavour, perfect carbonation, assertive but smooth bitterness...


Glad you liked it mate. Thanks for the feedback.

Your guess starts to even things out:

2 WY1056
3 US-05
3 wlp-001
Looks like the comments have ceased. So... it must be time for the big reveal.

She was pretty average accross the board. And as a result - a comment could be made that out of the 3 strains - it doesn't matter what you choose: only a third of the guesses were right, and there were 3 strains to choose from.

I think I proved a point that I've been pushing for a very long time.

The actual strain was WLP001.

Had this tonight, better late than never.

Pours a nice amber with a tight white head.
Hops on the nose - no surprise there. Mandarin citrus and passionfruit.
Good solid malty mouthfeel smacked around by a solid belt of humulone and a lasting clip of bitterness.

My short appraisal is brought on by tiredness, with a bit more energy I could wax for a while about this beer, it has balance, punch and layers of flavour. Really bloody lovely. Naturally this has me concerned as to how my IPA will fare in the next WBC...

Oh, by the way, I picked 001 from the get go. What's my prize?
You get to keep the label!

Cheers Barry - thanks for the nice feedback.
Second to last beer in the swap.... and every time I pulled one from the box I was dreading this moment.... all the hype.... the pressure nearly made me lose my lollies before I opened it.

Poured into my jug and let it sit for a couple minutes, aroma of pine resin and a little apricot with a heap of citrus. Like caramel orange... Quite a full mouth feel, and the tarty bitterness of hops.... Flavours are pine and resin with a grapefruit kicker. A little bit of a malt flavour comes through.

It's like you took what I thought was an APA and hooked it on steroids. It is very nice and drinkable, not a session beer for me, but definitely a starter or three! I have a bit more to learn about balancing my beers like this.

I'm glad to read comments like this soooooooo long after the beer was bottled. It proves that my method of "from keg to bottle" definately has a bit of shelf like on it.

Thanks for holding onto it for as long as you did fellas.

Still got your bottle sitting in the cool dark garage... can't wait to taste it!
I can't wait for you to try it too bro.

You have the last one: I don't have any left either!


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