Last night I had my final 2 bottles from the first Beerstore American order - Firestone Walker Union Jack IPA (last bottle of 2) and Pliny the Elder (last bottle of 3).
The FW beer had not held up all that well - lots of confected crystal in there, overwhelming what was left of the hops. Not all that impressive really, but my own fault for not drinking it sooner.
The Pliny, on the other hand, was still a damn good drop. Still a good whiff of hops on the nose. The sweetness was big on the first taste but the bitterness came rushing in to linger and cleanse. This bottle was actually better than the 2nd one of my 3 which I drank about a month ago. Maybe a little batch variation?
I've been dying to try the Brew Dog for over a year now... I've read all the bad press - but I'm still willing to contribute to their cause.
As far as PKB goes - there'll be plenty at beervana - so I'm reserving my buds for the kegged stuff: it's always my serving of preference for beers like this.
Appologies for stealing the rest of the Old Guardian - but this is one of the best beers that I've had in my life... I couldn't let them go. don;t worry though Stu - there'll be a bottle sitting next to Fullers Vintage '05 and '06. I also have a 750 of Whitecliffs (Mikes Mild) Whisky Barrel Aged Porter for you to try when you come climb the mountain. It weighs in at over 11%abv - and is out of this world (IMHO).