Want to place an ad email luke@realbeer.co.nz
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That was an awesome buzz last night regarding the US Beer on Beerstore...

So what did you order? No prizes for guessing what I orderd...

Blind Pig
Pliny The Elder
Union Jack

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Tell me about it. Got the emails for some of the things I requested, so went to the site, and got one box. A little later, got more emails... order 2! Then another... I had to draw the line. My poor bank balance.

Daniel, if you're reading this thread (and I'm sure you are!) it might be nice to batch the loads, and emails, so they all go out at once? Save everyone some freight and some double handling for you as we all jump the gun. ;)

Either way, I'm sure I speak for us all when I say THANK YOU for providing for this niche. I hope it's profitable for you.
Hi Greig,

So far we haven't publicly announced anything. The emails you have been receiving have been system generated ones as we add product to the website.. as we want the person who made the suggestion to know first :-)

So.. here is the public announcement.. Yesterday we received a large order in. It contains beer from USA and many other countries. Not all of it has been put online yet, but will be by the end of the day. I will post again when everything is loaded. It takes quite some time, as we also have to photograph each new beer etc.

Daniel you guys are legends!!
Daniel a legend? Coming to the forum to announce products in his store for sale which he makes financial gain from and not giving RealBeer.co.nz any love? Boooo
Any guy who puts there nuts on the line for beer is a legend!!
I didn't start this thread, and I didn't announce anything (at least nothing in the past 48 hrs).. Im really just replying to questions, just like anyone else. The last think I linked to was PKB after I had had a bottle in the what are you drinking thread.. but that post got "Moderated". We do also sell your products you know...

I take it you don't want me posting anything on here at all?

I'll stick my Oar in on this one! I'm all for free enterprise... but I bet the hosting fees on this site aint cheap. Don;t get me wrong - I just spent over $200 on beerstore: I'm stoked that someone has the cajones to import quality beer into NZ - but I only knew about beerstore through this very site.

My 2c.
yip only found out about beerstore through this site also
Might as well chuck in my 12c
Does that mean no-one can talk about anything on here any more?

I'm drinking some Renaissance beer right now and its pretty good. Is that an advert for them? Since they don't advertise on here I'm guessing they don't chuck any money this way so should I not say that?

What about the 'whats on tap where?'

What about if I mention my LHBS is selling fresh S05, or there's another store someplace that will sell a big pot?

It could all get quite confusing

I know there's costs associated with the site and I'm grateful there's a forum we can indulge our love of beer in, but where does it stop when we can't talk about beer things without worrying we're giving someone somewhere a free advert?
I thought ning was free and only charge you if you want to run your own adverts on the site?

I can understand Luke wanting to turn the traffic we generate into revenue, it's simple economics

I would not have targeted my comments at beerstore for something that Joking, Greig and others brought up and solicited a response from a member of this social network.
This is blasphemy, this is madness!
A link back from beerstore wouldn't hurt though as long as it was reciprocal.

I see some of the other brewers / pubs a members on here have realbeer linked on their sites.


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