Dude - that price list is unreal! W34/70 is one of the best yeast strains available. It is the saome strain as wlp830 and Wyeast 2124.
That 500g pack has enough yeast for 25 pitches of 1.055 beer! That's $6.20 for a 20g pitch - and you dont even need to grow the culture up as you would a smack pack, or vial of from White Labs.
One of those packs would be worth splitting up amongst 5 - 10 fellas. I'd be keen to split up some of that US-05! It would work out to be $1.80 for a pitch! Damn thats cheap brewing!
Yeah imagine how cheap it could be, $14 Malt ADM + Specialties, $3.60 Yeast, $17.60 a Brew + labour most people probaly earn no less than $14 an hour 5hr brew day + 2 hour incidents = $84
+ cost of gear gas elc etc = $5 a brew
= $4.60 a litre
Thank goodness our labour is priceless for our own beer!!
Mr C, not at a comparable price. There is the RANCO ETS111000 or Johnson A419 thermostats, however the tempmate or fridgemate from CB are probably cheaper and have more functions including the delay protection to ensure the freezer's compressor does get burned out too quickly!