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This is quite amazing. See attached file (you may need to download it and open it with Adobe Reader)

The sooner this lunacy is challenged and defeated the better!

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Amendment: It can't be that, since Radio NZ is an SOE... ;)
More media - I'll be on National Radio's "Morning Report" at 7:50am tomorrow (Monday).
Heard your interview this morning - sounded great. You're becoming a well-polished media spokesman!
Heard your "Pinot Noir" soundbite on the 9am news as I was circling Uni for a park. Really good point, and you came across as very articulate!
Oh, I didn't know it had hit the news also, great stuff.
Nice radio spot this morning. A breath of fresh air from the usual very boring politics. You sounded very balanced and made the points very clear ... ever though about asking national radio for your own spot :o)
Too averse to spending other people's money, I'm afraid. ;)
You did a stunning job of biting your tongue and not pointing out the difference between 'trademark' and 'copyright'. Well done Greig. I hope you can stay around as an unoffical spokesperson after you resign as Secretary.
Man, I'll say. Tracey had to tell me to stop screaming "trademark, you idiot!" at the radio. You did well, Greig.
Hahahaha, I'm glad you both noticed that. I did struggle not to say anything.
Stirling work from Matt Kirkegaard (ex-editor of Beer and Brewer magazine, beer writer, and all-round top-bloke).

His article for the Punch is here, and his detailed blog article is here. The blog article includes some amazing weasel-words from DB, so be prepared to feel a little ill. You can almost hear the cognitive dissonance as the spokesperson does their absolute best to avoid answering the spirit of Matt's questions while being otherwise completely factual.

Pass it on and encourage supporters to post comments on The Punch. No doubt DB will be monitoring it...

As always, be polite! !


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