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Hi sort of new to this, done a brew as a student, but starting again from fresh realy. Got a kit and as i work in a pub i get loads of empty 330 ml stubbies. Hienakin(dont think that is the right spelling), stienlager, stella, carlesberg, ampstel etc not twist top. Are these safe to use ie( exploding), as the woman in the shop said dont they could explode .she suggested i use swappa crate 750 ml bottles instead. I like the size of a stubbie. Just wondered what peoples thoughts were. Also got a heat mat any ideas, its cold in nz…

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I have never had a 330ml brown bottle or green bottle explode on me when bottling to them. Just remember to make sure the fermentation is complete and you do not over prime the bottles with your priming agent (sugar, dextrose, etc).
thanks for the advice
You might get away with using the 330ml bottles but they're not built for bottle conditioning so I wouldn't risk it - if they build up enough pressure and one explodes, the shock from that might be enough to set a few more off.

The other issue with 330ml bottles is that they're small, so bottling will be more fiddly and will take aaaaages to get through (since you're basically going to use more than double the number) by the time you wash and sanitise every single one. Plus if you bottle condition you pretty much have to decant off into another vessel to avoid stirring up the residual yeast at the bottom, so you can't really just drink straight from the bottle anyway.

I'd go the 750's if I were you (or get kegging if you're really keen!).
thanks for the reply.
Yeah we will see how it goes bottling 60 odd bottles, but just wondered what you meant by decanting off into another vessel.
He means pouring into a jug / glass and leaving the yeast cake on the bottom of the bottle.
I find the 330s harder to cap because they aren't as strong as 750s, I usually break one per batch. Never had a bottle explode though. I think the Monteiths bottles are a bit stronger and have a lower "ridge" for the two handed capper to grab, and they're brown so better for your beer. Emersons bottles are perfect IMO, 500mL, strong and brown.
cheers, some people said dont use green botttles something to do with the sun brown are better. i hve 70 odd green nd around 10 brown hmmmm
Yup same points as above really.

Don't use them more than once though, you get your batch all nicely capped, conditioned and ready to go - then when you start popping the tops off the whole fucking neck breaks off.

Stubby size is good but 23L is like 60-odd bottles, an absolute pain in the arse to clean and sanitise.

Heat pads are good, but get a little too hot, I recommend finding a piece of plywood/mdf the same thickness as the mat so you can position only a part of the fermenter on the mat (the other part sits on the wood), makes it easier to keep in that 20C ranger, I think I was only using like 1/3rd of the mate to keep a stable 20C.
cheers for the reply, just wondered why only use the bottle once, nd thank re heat mat
thanks for the reply. I like the idea of testing 2-4 per batch, i can imagine that this game is all about testing and tweak here and a tweak there


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