I reckon the M'Lord's Mild, at the same venue, is tasting pretty bloody sessionable. So much more drinkable than Bookbinder for me. Shades Kid Choc even, I reckon. A little less hop shows through and that really lets the malt shine. I'd love to try it on the beer engine. Though, before I commit myself to worship, I'll try to get a few more tastes... to be sure.
Might have to try the Classic Stout next time (everyone told me it was really good but, givent that the last time they had a keg it was a popcorn bomb, I held back on this visit).
Tonight I've got a bottle of Green Man Choc Krystal Weiss. Woah, huge banana esters here! I reckon it smells almost exactly like a banana split. Flavour doesn't follow though, but is still packed with banana and afterwards my mouth feels like I've just eaten one. Give this one a try when you see it. I think it'd be waaay better unfiltered.
Arrived at Hallertau last night for dinner with family, I'd not even sat down when Steve Plowman thrust a glass into my hand. An excruciatingly hoppy Maximus Humulus Lupulus. WOW.
The decision to go with all American hops was in my opinion the right one.
Sampled the as always lovely house beers, then closed off the night with a Pink Elephant bah humbug and then a 2009 Emersons JP.
Ben Middlemiss's Lager? Can't says I did, was that meant to be on tap?
What I did do was bring my daughter to the porter. Fabulous recipe Steve (Baker), a deserved winner.
I was a little surprised to see it simple menu'd as one of the seasonals - in my opinion a totally lost opportunity to say a bit more about the NHC, SOBA and homebrewing in general. What's the go there Steve Plowman? Lets hope the Welly chapter does it justice when they get the keg on down there.
Once again have a decent week of beer. Beer Club Welly, and some awesome beer on tap at Bar Edward again. They are really getting in a range of tasty stuff at the moment. The Lightshouse Stout and the Emerson's Brewer's Reserve both on tap. Am enjoying the stouts in this weather. Drinking the Founder's now and it is dam good. About to hunt down some chocolate to go with.
And, had the pleasure of tasting some of Alasdair's Vienna Lager. It was very cool as I have read all these posts about homebrew but never really taste any. I thought it had a good colour, the reddish tinge you'd expect from a vienna, and a nice malt/hops balance. The malt was sweet and slightly toasty, with light hops balancing it out.