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There are hundreds of threads on the net on this subject but out of curiosity....

Who batch sparges and who fly sparges and why?

Ive only ever batch sparged but with a new keg setup about to be debuted this weekend im thinking about new techniques.

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Batch sparge.

Too easy.

Mash, run off, dump sparge water, run off. Done. On with the boil!
Batch. Its quick, easy and the results are good. Anything that makes brew day easier is all good in my book...
I used to batch sparge but now I fly sparge. I find that efficiency is better and that managing water volumes is easier. The beer tastes the sameto me and I think the times are about the same.
Fly Sparge. Why? I dont know? Its easy I just set it up and walk away, come back in about 40 mins and it almost finished.
I've tried both and they're both great. Just learn how to do one of them well and you'll be happy.
Fly spargers - do you stop your runoff when you hit your desired volume, or when the SG drops to x level?
If the former - when you are adding liquor do you have a set volume you add, then stop and let the MLT drain out completely?
I calculate how much Sparge water I need add an extra Litre to it and Sparge, when I come back to it theres normally about 5l in the mash tun, I take a gravity reading of the running to make sure it's not bellow 1.010 and if I feel like being a little anal I check PH, then I just let it run to hit my desired boil gravity/volume.
desired volume, or when the SG drops to x level?
Which ever happens first, usually volume.

do you have a set volume you add, then stop and let the MLT drain out completely
I prepare enough liquor to the reach the desired volume (I add a couple of extra litres just in case) stop lautering when your have runoff the desired volume or when runoff gravity gets too low.

It's easier for me... set it and forget it. One recirculation too... I like that about it. I get better efficiency too.
Batch here - it suits the pots & pans I have
Batch sparge for me.
My mashtun is small, a nominal 25 litres cooler, but effectively probably less, as I only top it up to the bottom of the handle.
Hence, I need to top it up to full capacity with a mashout, in order to collect my required 31 litres pre-boil.
Vorlauf and drain.
Top up to capacity again.
Vorlauf and drain.
Top up with 5 to 6 litres.
Vorlauf and drain.
I have no trouble reaching 90%+ extraction efficiency this way.
I reckon it's partly related to the equipment you have then ?

Heating mash & sparge water on the stove and not being able to keep it at required temp, I batch.

If I had a seperate HLT and some temp control I'd probably fly - give myself some time out instead of watching water heat up on the stove top

Whattaya reckon ?

cheers, jt


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