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Just saw an ad for this show starting on Prime next Sunday.
Looks quite interesting

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Good sighting bj. I think the guys had links to the youtube videos of this at one stage and it is an okay watch too.

I have yet to watch more than the first couple of minutes of episode 1.
Along the same lines - has anyone been watching 'The 'F' Word'? I saw about 5 minutes of Ramsey 'home'brewing a beer to serve with his homekill. WIll have to check youtube to see if I can find the rest of it.
Don't know about the home brew Denimglen, but here's one of Gordon visiting a Craft Beer Bar in London.
I dunno if that's part of what I'm thinking of, I only saw like 5 minutes out of the whole season on it haha.

I did find this though.
Interesting. Must be nice to be able to go out and buy all that gear out of your pocket money :-)
So what did people think of this? I thought it was pretty cringe worthy, particularly when they did the actual brewing. Not sure I'll have the patience to watch the rest of the series!
The highlight of the show was the old pisshead who could drink a pint in 2/5 of a second and drink a pint upside down!!
Thought it was entertaining enough - best bit was how clueless they were, and how much better that made me feel about my level of brewing knowledge (which is miniscule)!
yeah it was clueless at best.

Gordons F-word experiment was more interesting - because the brewing bit was at least factually accurate. It was a disjointed experience though - there was about 8 episodes between him brewing it and then aging it in oak, then bottling it. I thought I had missed it, turns out they just neglected to mention it for many episodes in between.
Gordons beer was brewed on a mobile "come to your house with my brewery-on-a-truck and make you a beer" setup. Awesome piece of kit, and quite a cool business model I thought, though probably very expensive.

I've been reading about Morrisey Fox beers here. Looks to me like they still only homebrew, and send if off to someone else to contract brew the real thing (or maybe that's just for the packaged beer?).
What I found odd was that they appeared to be basing their entire business on one beer/style ?

If you want a really good beery watch, Doublehoppy turned me onto the "Oz and James drink to Britain" series available here. Cracking good telly.
Not just one beer/style, the *first* beer they brewed (at least based from the 1st episode). The recipe they suggest to try out is - http://www.morrisseyfox.co.uk/ourbeer_make.htm. "Maintain temperature between 62°C and 69°C" - giggle.

Oz and James was infinitely more informative and entertaining.
I looked up the Punch Bowl online. It's been turned into a Gastro Pub. It doesn't seem like they have kept the atmosphere that attracted them to buy the pub in the first place. The beer list on the website doesn't list any beer/s they make. Although the food does sound very good :)
I dread to think what that would taste like ... I think it almost needs an experiment, if someone is willing to waste all that malt and hops.

7 days tun to mouth .... weird.


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