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So, quick query. The last batch I brewed was a SMASH

5kg Weyermann Premium Pilsner
20g Amarillo @ 60
20g Amarillo @ 30
50g Amarillo @ 0

Mashed in at 64C, boiled for 60-90mins, kept fermentation temps low and lagered for 4 weeks. Unfortunately my records for the OG and FG are lost, but seem to recall OG being 1.050+

What I got was pretty bland. Even the hop bitterness or aroma didn't come through and I'm quite disappointed - I wonder if the fermentation wasn't finished though it got at least 10 days? I've not used pilsner malt before, so perhaps isn't so good on its own, and curious to hear what the typical uses for the malt should be. Suggestions?

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Not all dried strains are crap though - that w34-70 was sooooo good. I have no idea why brewcraft stopped doiing that stuff!
Heard they bringing it back?
I haven't heard anything - have you?
So my LHBS also said just after they stopped supplying.....would be nice to see it back here, until then Craftbrewer gets my business for that strain!
Was talking to someone in the know at the beervana launch and he seemed to think it was.
Who really knows on the day they could be drawing the water from any of the water reserviors. i think JT did some analysis of water back on the old Realbeer site from the Greater Wellington website stats http://www.gw.govt.nz/story4659.cfm?
Too complicated for me Brendon
I had some problems for awhile and I was looking everywhere for something to blame.
Welly water and ph was one that I poked a pointy stick at, but I'm no chemist and thought better of tinkering with stuff I didn't take the time to really understand.
In hindsight my problem was probably pretty basic and seemed to be satisfactorially resolved once I stopping milling grains in the same where room I fermented
In hindsight my problem was probably pretty basic and seemed to be satisfactorially resolved once I stopping milling grains in the same where room I fermented

lol.... know what you mean!
I've been using s-23 for all my lagers, I've not found this fruityness that people talk about when I was doing kits. Time will tell with the all grain beers as they are all still fermenting or aging. An early taste of my Schwarzbier had no signs of fruityness.
I was thinking of trying some other yeasts though with my next brews to see if there is much difference. I see craftbrewer do a swiss lager yeast and a Weihenstephan and also a SAF-34/70. Anybody had experience with any of these dried yeasts or recommend a particular one? Thinking of doing an Okotberfest next so something suitable for that would be good.

edit: Sorry Joking I see you've just said the 34/70 was good, maybe I'll look at that one.
My experience with the Swiss lager is that it's clean and boring with moderate attenuation. I like 34/70 though.

The Swiss might actually work well in a Fest beer though as it's a malty beer where as I tend to think the 34/70 makes hops "sing" ;-)

Keep it clean & Keep it simple - can't go wrong
That pils malt is the business I reckon, maybe you were expecting a little too much? 100% pilsner is gonna give you something, well, pilsner-like.

I used 4kg pils, 300g munich and 100g melanoidin in a helles and that was a pretty malty beer although the munich and melanoidin will do that.


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