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Is the Liberty Brewing Site Rooted? It better not be!!!!!!!!!

Just Tried logging into my Fav malt retailer, and the site seems goosed?
Is it the Site or Operator error?

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I noticed that too earlier. Someone FUBARed...
Works for me bro.
Put a link up bro for a grain or what ever page apart from www.libertybrewing.co.nz
Just take the 'www' out and it should work.
Well done!! Whys that??
No idea, I've had that before with some other websites, it's like the www part isn't registered or something.
I'm going to have a guess that it has something to do with www.libertybrewing.co.nz & libertybrewing.co.nz being on seperate domains (like how realbeernz.ning.com is not the same as ning.com) and not configured properly. But I've only just started fooling around with Apache out of interest.
Geeky crablet, very geeky

You take my job and I'll go brewing
And study for me too, while I brew dammit.


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