When you compare the quality of some of the meat to the quality of some of the beer, then I guess there is a good comparison... both a little substandard in places! :)
Emerson Dunklewiess, I have to say that every year I try this it just seems to get so much better!! Awsome, off to get a few bottles today like a box!!
Was at Galbraiths, for lunch yesterday. I had another Salisbury Pale ale and it's still tasting fine. I also tried an Emerson's German style pilsner (forget the name). The brief said it was 65% Munich and Vienna malts (?), hopped with NZ Hallertau hops. It had a fine balance of hops and malts. On the front palate was the definitive taste of the Munich and Vienna malts, with the hops coming through at the end. It was clear and crisp, although I found my glass to be a little under carbonated, for the style. Although this may be because I got the first pour of the day?
I have tasted pilsner's very much like this in Germany, so they have got the flavours really well.
BTW, I think I'd buy from the Mad butcher, before I'd buy a beer from Paddy, sorry to say.
Paddy shades Peter by a collar of foam for me. Cheap beer is slightly preferable to cheap meat (though I only eat meat about once or twice a month anyway).
I only eat it when I'm at a restuarant. Had a chicken sandwhich with a glass of Kid choc at D4 yeasterday. One of the best chicken sandwhiches I've ever had. Simple and delicious.
I'm not sure I do either. Drank 2 IIPA's from Dogfish, and then decided to crack the last of my supplies - Orval. Tastes almost vinegary. Bottled on 23/09/2008. Maybe that's what a week of drinking hops does to you?
Mate I grew up on a farm and have never once thought of bottling the smell after riding a horse for 2 hours, saddle grouch sweat and horse blanket!! I reacon you can get better brett flavour than the one that has devloped over the time that we get to drink Orval. But then again If we all liked the same beer it would make it Orvaly I mean overly boring!!!