hmmm, so far. Young's Double Chocolate Stout, Budweiser American Ale, Chimay Grand Reserve, New Belgium Mothership Wit and a Baltika 6 Nopmep. I'm happy.
Went out to Gordon Biersch down in Palo Alto tonight. Unfortunately I was driving, so had 3 pints of the lowest ABV on offer, Schwartzbier 4.2%. After a week of drinking some of the hoppiest beers CA has to offer, it was bland and tasteless. Shame really. Got home, drank Rogue St.Rogue Red Ale - was a nice balanced ale with good hop profile, and better way to end the night. Struggling a little on the Dogfish 90 minute IIPA, will soldier through. One night left until I hit the big smoke of San Francisco.
Best part of a rigger of 1812 from Thirsty Bloke. Tb have invited me to share my HB at the next tasting they run. Wish i had some more BF
Some HB Harvest Ale, fresh hop a la the Macs effort and now drinking my Plinian, a clone of a beer some of you might know from the States. Too sweet; too much crystal i think. American hops on the nose are awesome tho
What an afternoon! OK, my Red Irish Lord only scored averagely in the Western Brewers Conference competition, but I got to taste:
- various vintages of Epic Lager
- various vintages of Epic Pale Ale
- Epic Porter
- Epic Mayhem 2006
- Epic Pale Ale brewed in the UK!!! Stick that in your pipe Wellington!!!! Only joking, but it's nice to get something first up here for once!
Plus I got to talk beer to a whole bunch of talented homerewers and drinkers. What a stunning afternoon!, Shame Steve couldn't be there, but I've taken away a couple of litres of his Saison to compare with mine.
Not a lot the last couple of days, but in a tasting on Friday with a group of normally swill-drinking mates:
Harringtons Rogue Hop
Wigram Vienna Lager
RPA pale ale
Tuatara pale ale (universally proclaimed worst beer of the day)
Epic pale ale
Cock&Bull Monks Habit
RPA dark ale
RPA porter
Renaissance Stonecutter
Followed by a little sleep on the floor and then a half hour walk home. Great day!
Yes, definitely.
Either a pale ale (lower OG than styles guide recommends) or a bruin (most likely a Belgian Dark Strong Ale or the miscellaneous Belgian style by 'definition'). Probably the latter. Brewed both late last year... It's an area of interest for me. I'm also kind of keen on playing with Blonds at some stage too.
Sounds good. I was thinking about brewing Belgian Dark Strong with the remaining T-58 that I have. Still haven't decided what to brew for the case swap yet though. Best I get my A into G...