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Another Weekend Brew Busy Busy!!

Piny the Amarillo

60% Pearl Malt
26% Munich
7% Light Crystal
7% Cara Pils

5Ibus of Simcoe @ 60, 20

50g Amarillo @ 15
20g Simcoe @ 10

60g Amarillo @ 0

Dry Hop of 70g 70% Amarillo and 30% Simcoe

67 Deg Mash
1.052 - 1.013
Wyeast 1056

I going for nice big fat Pale Ale I used 10% Crystal in my last Pale ale and it is still not fat enough so upped the crystals and Munich!! Should make for an intresting brew!!
lol great name
Wasn't gonna brew this weekend, was gonna do it the weekend after but meh, fuck it.

American Brown (The real DoubleBrown?)

1.066, 22SRM, 63 IBU

4.56kg UK Pearle
0.47kg Carapils
0.47kg Pale Crystal
0.38kg Wheat Malt
0.18kg Pale Choc

68C Mash

28g Northern Brewer - Mash hop
12g Warrior - 60 minutes
28g US Cascade - 10 min
28g US Cascade - 10 min
57g Amarillo - Dryhop

1272 American Ale II @ 21 C

Ca - 99, Mg - 12, Na - 60, SO4 - 72, Cl - 71, HCO3 - 206
Looks good, should one of those cascade additions be at 0 min though?

I look forward to seeing that in the next case swap ;-)
Indeed it is, too late to edit now haha.

Yeah it might be, it will be whatever is freshest at the time.

Quite likely this or my robust porter with some modest US additions.
I'm planning a cunning little porter for the case swap but I'm also gonna brew an NZ IPA as a backup. I dont' have a good track record with porters, must be something in the water (or lack thereof) ☺
Are you a water witch?
Maybe? I filter all of my brewing water.

It's great for light beers but I think I need to start adding salts for my darker beers. That's where you guys come in as guinea pigs for my porter.
I dunno about ALK versus CHC water - ours is really soft i think but the whole water sceince thing is one that the mysterious brew gods that look after all my brews take care of and make 'em taste good(ish)

Brew the porter and it'll be fine.
With my Porters I dont do nothing to my water unless its a Hopped up then I will use a touch of Sulphate but thats it, I did do one however with a bit of Chalk it was ok and was like the porters I have tried in London but was a little to much. Have you got UH water report?
I've thought about trying to get hold of the UH water report but never bothered because I filter all of my water so it would be different anyway. Do you use the water straight from the tap?
Staraight out of the tap I have a pre filter on my house thats it only takes out mud and not salts and not chlorine I just boil it prior to Brewing!! I got a link for it some where its pretty light anyway!!


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