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Bohemian Pilsner.

I have decided to throw another pils on top of the yeast in my current one, which I am about to put into the secondary and dry hop.Anyway....

4.5 kg Bohemiam pilsner malt
500 g Munich
300 g Carapils
50 g Czech saaz 60 minutes
25g " " " 30 minutes
50g " " " 10 minutes
25 g " " " FO

using the Wyeast Bohemian pilsner.
Brewed this monster on Sunday:

5.00 kg Pale Malt, Maris Otter (3.0 SRM) Grain 46.1 %
5.00 kg Pilsner NZ (2.0 SRM) Grain 46.1 %
0.15 kg Caramunich type 3 (57.0 SRM) Grain 1.4 %
0.10 kg Caraaroma (130.0 SRM) Grain 0.9 %
0.10 kg Caramunich type 2 (45.0 SRM) Grain 0.9 %
0.50 kg Corn Sugar (Dextrose) (0.0 SRM) Sugar 4.6 %

20.00 gm Pacific Jade [13.40%] (60 min) Hops 17.0 IBU
20.00 gm Southern Cross [13.00%] (60 min) Hops 16.5 IBU
10.00 gm Pacific Jade [13.40%] (60 min) (First Wort Hop) Hops 9.4 IBU
10.00 gm Southern Cross [13.00%] (60 min) (First Wort Hop) Hops 9.1 IBU
15.00 gm Motueka [6.70%] (60 min) (First Wort Hop) Hops 7.0 IBU
5.00 gm Pacific Jade [13.40%] (45 min) Hops 3.9 IBU
5.00 gm Southern Cross [13.00%] (45 min) Hops 3.8 IBU
5.00 gm Pacific Jade [13.40%] (40 min) Hops 3.7 IBU
5.00 gm Southern Cross [13.00%] (40 min) Hops 3.6 IBU
5.00 gm Pacific Jade [13.40%] (35 min) Hops 3.5 IBU
5.00 gm Southern Cross [13.00%] (35 min) Hops 3.4 IBU
5.00 gm Pacific Jade [13.40%] (30 min) Hops 3.3 IBU
5.00 gm Southern Cross [13.00%] (30 min) Hops 3.2 IBU
5.00 gm Pacific Jade [13.40%] (25 min) Hops 3.0 IBU
5.00 gm Southern Cross [13.00%] (25 min) Hops 2.9 IBU
5.00 gm Pacific Jade [13.40%] (15 min) Hops 2.1 IBU
5.00 gm Southern Cross [13.00%] (15 min) Hops 2.0 IBU
5.00 gm Hallertauer Aroma [5.90%] (30 min) Hops 1.4 IBU
5.00 gm Hallertauer Aroma [5.90%] (25 min) Hops 1.3 IBU
5.00 gm Motueka [6.70%] (20 min) Hops 1.3 IBU
5.00 gm Hallertauer Aroma [5.90%] (20 min) Hops 1.1 IBU
5.00 gm Motueka [6.70%] (15 min) Hops 1.1 IBU
5.00 gm Riwaka [5.50%] (20 min) Hops 1.1 IBU
5.00 gm Hallertauer Aroma [5.90%] (15 min) Hops 0.9 IBU
5.00 gm Riwaka [5.50%] (15 min) Hops 0.9 IBU
5.00 gm Motueka [6.70%] (10 min) Hops 0.8 IBU
10.00 gm Motueka [6.70%] (5 min) Hops 0.8 IBU
5.00 gm Hallertauer Aroma [5.90%] (10 min) Hops 0.7 IBU
10.00 gm Riwaka [5.50%] (5 min) Hops 0.7 IBU
5.00 gm Riwaka [5.50%] (10 min) Hops 0.6 IBU
5.00 gm Hallertauer Aroma [5.90%] (5 min) Hops 0.4 IBU
10.00 gm Pacific Jade [13.40%] (15 min) (Aroma Hop-Steep) Hops -
10.00 gm Pacific Jade [13.40%] (Dry Hop 10 days) Hops -
10.00 gm Riwaka [5.50%] (15 min) (Aroma Hop-Steep) Hops -
10.00 gm Riwaka [5.50%] (Dry Hop 10 days) Hops -
10.00 gm Southern Cross [13.00%] (15 min) (Aroma Hop-Steep) Hops -
10.00 gm Southern Cross [13.00%] (Dry Hop 10 days) Hops -
20.00 gm Hallertauer Aroma [5.90%] (15 min) (Aroma Hop-Steep) Hops -
20.00 gm Hallertauer Aroma [5.90%] (Dry Hop 10 days) Hops -
30.00 gm Motueka [6.70%] (15 min) (Aroma Hop-Steep) Hops -
30.00 gm Motueka [6.70%] (Dry Hop 10 days) Hops -

OG 1110, IBU somewhere around the 110 mark.
Pitched a 2L starter of Wyeast imperial blend.
Currently fermenting at around 16-17C. Want to ferment this one slightly cool to avoid excessive esters, keep expecting it to take off like a rocket ship but is just ticking over nicely at the moment.
Going for my seasonal Porter this afternoon. It differs (as usual) from my previous season in the way of roasted grains and hops. ABV is the same as with IBU. I'm going with something that will have a subtle hit of US hops to complement the roast malt - hopefully we'll see a beer that is like a mocca with a squirt of orange syrup... We'll see... Time will tell.

Mashing at 68degrees.

Black Beauty 09 12-B Robust Porter
Date: 26/05/2009

Size: 24.24 L
Efficiency: 80.0%
Attenuation: 78.0%
Calories: 193.21 kcal per 12 fl oz

Original Gravity: 1.058 (1.048 - 1.065)
Terminal Gravity: 1.013 (1.012 - 1.016)
Color: 43.54 (22.0 - 35.0)
Alcohol: 5.96% (4.8% - 6.5%)
Bitterness: 45.5 (25.0 - 50.0)

5.2 kg Maris Otter Pale
.3 kg British Crystal 55°L
.15 kg British Dark Crystal
.25 kg Pale Chocolate Malt
.11 kg Weyermann Carafa III®
15.0 g Pacific Gem (13.8%) - added during boil, boiled 60 min
25 g Cascade (5.8%) - added during boil, boiled 15 min
25 g Columbus (13.7%) - added during boil, boiled 15 min
25 g Cascade (5.8%) - added during boil, boiled 0 min
25 g Columbus (13.7%) - added during boil, boiled 0 min
1.0 ea Fermentis US-05 Safale US-05
I'll trade you 2 bottles of this for my 2 bottles of my Black IPA!! Deal
Sounds like a plan mate. Are you dry hopping yours?
Mate I pulled a sample last night and im thinking I might not need to!! I have a flash new kettle whirlpool trick that just seems to extract the oils!! It cools from 100 to 18 in 10mins good bless winter I say!! But if I do it will be with a touch of Simcoe Centenial Columbus and Cascade
"A touch" you reckon... about 100 grams?
yeah just a touch around 150g you know you have to over power the choc in it!! Also to touch on the Attenuation on your monster I think your right I used 10% crystals mashed at 67.8Deg In my pale ale and thought I was going to finish around 1.015 14 ish but finished 1.011 im a little pissed off as I bittered at 80% and now its to bitter. Also I didnt get Caramel so this next one on monday im upping it to 13% Crystal and using Light crystal compared to caramalt
Yeah - I'm only at 7% crystals on this one - and I reckon I could have easily doubled it. I was mashing high in the hope I'd get body and a Maris Otter flavour... trying not to use too much crystal as it would impact on the flavour. I'm also wishing I used the Melanoidin in it now, as the bitterness lingers well after any malt flavour has disipated. That Melanoidin has a tendency to stick it out through thick and thin.

I'm a bit pissed off, but there aint nuttin I can do about it now... I was hoping for a quick turnaround beer (hence the reason for not dry hopping it) but now, it looks like this biarch is gonna take at least a month to condition.

No worries though - the NZIPA is going to be great straight from kegging, I'll be able to get into that instead.
Yeah NZIPA looks tasty!! My next Grist for my next Pale Ale is

60% Pearl
25% Munich
6% Light Crystal
4% Med Crystal
5% Cara Pils

I Hope This turns out FAT!! and Chewy
I've been boiling this for half an hour now. Mashed in at 69... added some cold waster and settled at 68.1 The colour is just as above - right on the very bottom of being dark. It's a dark brown in the sight glass - but still black to look at. So far, so good.
Nice how long was it at 69 for? I wounder im doughing in at 69 than letting it settle down to 67 would give you a realy chewy mouthfeel?


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