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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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I got the yeast!!! a whole smack pack of it!!
It's worth a go - but 2112 doesn't like it too cold. 12 degrees will still take a long time unless you make a big starter. That stuff prefers it at 14, so it could make the 2112 / us-05 experiment a little bit easier.
US05 and W2112 are both supposedly good between 15 and 20C (from the data sheets) for a straight forward comparison if you were to do a split batch.

My 05 is regularly fermented at 16C.
Hey James I have a couple of questions about this beer:
- Have you brewed this before?
- What yeast did you go for?
- How does it compare to Emerson's Pilsner? Would you refer to it as a clone?
Hey Mr C.

- Yes, brewed it a couple of times before, however had 250g of carapils in the second to last batch. It is my house beer, Riwaka is a kickass hop.
- I have used S05 and W2042, both came out tasting great in my opinion. 75~100g Riwaka in both batches.
- I liked the S05 the best, the W2042 although was nice it probably hid the hops a little, but both pretty close to Emerson's.

I will probably look at the same recipe with W2007 pilsen strain.
Cheers James. I've just added it to "To Brew" list.

I think I hear US-05 calling me back...
No worries Mr C, my hopping may be a little unscientific as I no chill in a cube so technically the hops are still being cooked until the temperature drops low enough. I have no proof of that of course!! Dry hop is done in primary.

The US05 beer was racked from keggle to cube, left in there for a week, then into a fermenter with 2 x US05 to kick it into gear. Fermented at 16~18C for a week, racked onto gelatin and crash cooled to 2C for two days, then into keg for a week..... beautiful mate.
Out for a few last night (happy birthday drinks with "our" Steph, where I stayed a bit longer than I should have, and a leaving do for a mate heading back to UK).

Tuatara Porter is tasting superb at Bar Ed right now. Get into it.
Had a couple Little Creatures at Concrete. Most I've enjoyed it for a long long time.

could have done without the 6.30am kick off though...

Must be feeling it Stu, you posted in What you brewing not what you drinking!! hahaha!!
yeh, glad everyone is down for a nap now!

Size: 25.63 L
Efficiency: 82.0%
Attenuation: 87.0%
Calories: 262.5 kcal per 12.0 fl oz

Original Gravity: 1.085 (1.070 - 1.090)
Terminal Gravity: 1.010 (1.010 - 1.020)
Color: 11.53 (8.0 - 15.0)
Alcohol: 9.85% (7.5% - 10.0%)
Bitterness: 240.7 (60.0 - 120.0)

7 kg Ale Malt
.35 kg Caramalt 33
.2 kg Carapils®/Carafoam®
.75 kg White Table Sugar (Sucrose)
75 g Nugget (11.6%) - added during boil, boiled 60 min
50 g Soutthern Cross (12.0%) - added during boil, boiled 45 min
50 g Nelson Sauvin (13.6%) - added during boil, boiled 30 min
25 g Cascade (5.8%) - added during boil, boiled 15 min
25 g Riwaka (5.1%) - added during boil, boiled 15 min
25 g Soutthern Cross (12.0%) - added during boil, boiled 7.5 min
25 g Nugget (11.6%) - added during boil, boiled 7.5 min
25 g Cascade (5.8%) - added during boil, boiled 7.5 min
25 g Cascade (5.8%) - added during boil, boiled 0 min
25 g Amarillo (8.2%) - added during boil, boiled 0 min
25 g Riwaka (5.1%) - added during boil, boiled 0 min
25 g Soutthern Cross (12.0%) - added during boil, boiled 0 min
50 g Cascade (5.8%) - added dry to secondary fermenter
50 g Amarillo (8.2%) - added dry to secondary fermenter
50 g Riwaka (5.1%) - added dry to secondary fermenter

First attempt at a IIPA
Should be interesting!

Recipe was Given to W8N4U by JoKing.
And I lent him a helping hand to try and solve the dodgy taste mystery!

Hopefully I worked it out or it will be a GIANT waste of hops!
Annual Feijoa wine,
4kg Feijoas
1.5kg sugar
pinch of tanin
pinch of tartaric acid
Pectic enzyme
yeast nutrient
CL23 yeast.
10L bubbling away.

Want to brew my Bruin but waiting for the dubbel to vacate the fermenter. This 3787 certainly slows down to a drunken crawl towards the end only dropping .02 a day, at this rate I'm a week away.


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