Any Ideas on a Beer I should brew this weekend? it was going to be a IIPA again but I have got enough of those, Im drinking an Smoked Imperial Stout at the moment and its realy got me thinking any ideas? But not an RIS or IIPA or Old Ale as That in 2 weeks.
Yeah I have woundered how they get that much hazelnut into there beer. I defintly would be a starter for that!! it the Best Rogue beer I have tried, but I have got 4 bottles of there XS range in the Cellar!! If someone could answer the question of hazelnut into there beer Im would be more than abliged to brew the beer!! I have read the malt that contibutes to the Hazelnut flavour but for some reason can only remeber it being an English malt we do not get here. Off to google it!! Oh and There its is Bairds Brown Malt its supposed to be the closest thing to a hazlenut that isnt a hazlenut and luckly enough its a malt!! Plus the Hazelnut nectar what ever the hell that is!!
I've been trying to figure that out as well. Its on my list to brew so I've done a bit of digging. First guess, Nutella, but nah, its go veg oils and other shit in there that wouldn't look good in a beer.
My current plan B is something like; buy a load of hazelnuts, roast them, crush them in a mortar and pestle then add them into the boil. If you find out how Rogue do it tho let me know.
Hazelnut nectar must be some sort of extract.
I thought the Hazelnut and Chocolate beers from Rogue were really great base beers with just a little too much additives...