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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Lots of $$$$. Me too... I reckon Epic Armageddon could knock on the door this year if we all send mesages to Luke asking him not to wuss out on it. I'll got first. Sending him one now...

Joseph... if you've got 330ml left, please bottle and send it to Luke for inspiration. If he can match it I'll definitely buy a keg!
Ohhhh you guys...

This is why I brew. Good guys who know beer and appreciating flavour. I wish there were more people here in New Plymouth to drink this stuff with me. Thanks so much for the kick ass reviews. It seems fucked up to be compared to legendary beers in the first place.

And Stu - thanks so much for your heart felt congrats in the past few days... what a ride aye? It just seems so weird that a couple of geeks can connect over a keyboard!.... The same goes to all my realbeer friends - sometimes it;s hard to remind yourself that "its just a website"... but there are real people on the other side.

I'm getting too profound here...

Sorry guys!
Fucking emo.

Went to Galbraiths for a colleague's leaving drinks last night.

SPA (Salisbury Plains Ale) was nice, although not as exciting as I'd been led to believe. Unfortunately my memory is somewhat foggy, so no detailed tasting notes!

Twisted Hop Challenger was on gravity feed at the end of the bar. I'm sad to say I found it a bit one-dimensional. A good amount of hop character, but not a lot else. Maybe it's because it was near the end of the cask.

Bitter & Twisted, however, was on stunning form. God I love this beer. And I love this bar, which is probably why I found it hard to leave and why I feel so delicate this morning.
Brewjolais at the Macs Brew Bar. Very nice. I reckon it's mellowed since I last tasted it 3-4 weeks ago. Seemed smoother and not as harsh.

The guy behind the bar said he's been told that there's about 3 weeks worth left.
Yeh, I shared a jug with a mate on the weekend... great value... great beer. And i'm down with the Brewjolais trademark. Smart work there.

Was 'Kid Chocolate' for me last night and some more tonight, where we are putting it on the handpump at Kieran's. I had a full corny but I accidentally spat 4-5 litres out the unsealed "out" tube after I racked it 9back was turned for a few hours with gas top pressure on). Damn shame... the dog licked most of it up and was pretty mellow afterwards.

Snuck in a late glass of Naked Poppy IIPA... wish I had more.

Tuatara Helles the other night.
It's a big sucker, which I hear is going to be toned down in future batches. Really nice drop - a little sulphur (nose and palate) and winy fruit (late on the palate) lends it either a Dortmunder or a Kolsch sort of character. I'm sure that'll be cut back and cleaned up. Great malt character. Loads of weight in the mouth and so smooth. Get into it...
You do know that Pom's do rigger eh?

I'm thinking of heading towards Ged's later to see how he and James P got on with their hoppers.

OSH would have had a field day out there at lunchtime.
A good fresh drop of Generation Ale is a thing of wonder. Wish we got a keg up here now and then.
I've had a bad, bad week with no AFDs But I've been oh-so very good and left this bad boy 'til Friday after work. Hmmm ... 4 pints

The lil' pups on the side might have to wait til tomorrow though Cheers Sparky
Alcohol Free Day - an essential part of enjoying beer more
Ohhh. I aim for 3 per week but usually only make 2.


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