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This is quite amazing. See attached file (you may need to download it and open it with Adobe Reader)

The sooner this lunacy is challenged and defeated the better!

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The story reaches the ears of Britain's beer writers...

I can promise you, DB will be hearing from me and I will let them know what I think.

Tyler, remember that fob off email (see previous post), the fat lady is singing loudly on the back of that flying pig. I love revenge!
So DB the really ace guys have been working with other small breweries.
Like who?
sounds like a total crock to me, they don't even want the hops and malt to be available, let alone share fridge space.
...Monteiths? (Yeah Right)
Hmmmm... I see a t-shirt design coming...
How about "Monteiths craft brewed on the Westcoast..... yeah right"
How about getting legit DB T-shirts and scrawling "I hate..." over the top, Johnny Rotten style.

Aaah the memories that invokes, Brett!
I sent an email via DB's website and just received this back from them:

Dear Mr xxx

Thank you for contacting DB. The trademark issue we encountered with
another brewer over Monteith's Radler was resolved several months
ago and both parties have moved on.

Kind regards, Jo Jalfon.

Jo Jalfon Communications Manager DB Breweries Limited
D + 64 9 259 nnnn M 027 471 nnnn www.db.co.nz

So now I'm puzzled: is this an old story, or is it still current? (To be fair to Ms Jalfon, I removed her contact details).
DB registering the trademark happened a while ago (2003). DB attacking Green Man was more recent. Both parties have not "moved on". If you ask Green Man (off the record) they will tell you that they're still pretty narky about it. Part of their arrangement was not to pursue the issue. They were bullied into agreeing to that. This is where SOBA stepped in. It's not just about Green Man, it's about the right to use a generic style description for your beer without being heavied by corporates wielding trademark law.
Good on ya mate. Yes, I got the same response (see my previous post, on this thread). Good that we bombard them with questions though, make them think.

I invite everyone to send an email to DB asking the same questions, make them feel the pain!


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