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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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US Cascade, Riwaka and Nelson Sauvin and 8%
8% you say! Well - it was hard to tell if I was any drunker after that barleywine!
La Trappe Blond.

Sorry Stu this has to be one of the best beers in the world (IMHO)
Get them while you can.. I have been told that the La Trappe Beers are no longer going to be sold by Foodstuffs.

I *Hope* that I am wrong.. but I am guessing that the change in exchange rates have made them to expensive to bring in.

Sorry Stu
Yes. Didn't I read on your face book page, you think Orval, is the best beer in the world?
oh yeh, it is my desert island beer... or is that my death bed beer... or my wedding beer...???
anywat I'd drink it 99 times out of a hundred ahead of La Trappe Blond (which is pretty bloody good in itself but taste ispersonal init?).
Try Mikes Barleywine - Its like concentrated Orval... I'd be suprised if you dont like it.
It's in the cellar... maybe have it on the weekend.
Right you are Kemosabi. Orval is pretty good tho! I have a real soft spot for Trappist style beers
Don't mention weddings...I know 7 people engaged this year already. It is catching.
Blind Pig IPA from Russian River (ta beerstore) and some Epic PA's as a contrast. The Epic PA's started off a little subdued by the the BP but by the 2nd bottle were showing their own. If you were DJing it woulda made a nice mix.


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