More the point here's what I sampled half an hour ago - Three Boys Oyster Stout - fresh on tap at Eureka here in Dunners. Oh the joy of discussing a performance review with one of the Emerson boys and finishing it off with a great ale! Three Boys continue to impress me. The stout was super creamy, beautiful head, a hint of the sea and demanding I have another three. So much so that after an inspiring afternoon filtering I'll take the Master back for a quality check this afternoon.
Sure beats the bottle examples I've explored in the past - the tap pint really performed - awesome effort.
Well done the Bungard Boys.
Interesting to see how ye Master thinks it compares to that at Pomeroys he enjoyed last week....!!! Back for his performance review, or yours perhaps Father...???
Re the bottles - it could be in the ageing / pasteurising. Ralph and i had tasted a few of last years and it is a beer that is better with a little ageing. The keg was from a batch brewed 'early' - purely for that reason. I'll make sure Ralph gets your comments - Cheers.
Just cracked a bottle of my cider, about 2 months old. I was not expecting much as it was so mouth puckeringly dry and astringent before bottling and I only bottled it as I ran out of room. I cracked the top and poured the golden effervescent liquid into a wine glass, no idea why it just seemed like the right thing to do. Good sign 1: It is crystal clear, clearer then any beer I've ever made. Good Sign 2: It smells good, reminiscent of those classy french/english farmhouse ciders. Taste: Its good, I hope it improves as the insane dry is still present but the astringentcy and bitterness has softened. A bit of spritz and its quite alright. Loads of room for improvement, need to get some slightly sweeter apples in with those bitter Kingston Blacks I used. I used one of those new fangled wine yeasts from the Lower Hutt shop and no complaints with the result.
Well, that bottle of Blind Pig didn't last very long. Has all the trademerk Russian River flavour... I still prefer Pliny the Elder. But thats just me.
So does anyone know if this beerstore american beer extravaganza we're all loving is a one off or going to be on an going thing? I'm only asking as I'm thinking of cashing all my spare cash in for bottles of Pliny the Elder. My taste buds have been changed forever!
Having said that - it'd be a nice idea to share the love, as they say... let everybody in on this dirty little secret.
But then again - 1st in 1st served... and it does say on the bottle to drink it fresh - it'd be a real shame if all that stock stayed on the shelf at beerstore for months on end.