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Any suggestions as to where to buy 3 & 5lt conical flasks in NZ.cheers.

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Flash as..... ow!

Some of us built stir plates (mines in a toolbox), so flash isn't a word I would use to describe my efforts.... maybe gangsta....

Maybe time to get LBW to look into autoclavable vials....
Yeah, mine is so gangsta it does drivebys on rival hoods when I'm not looking. It works though. Mostly.
Labwarehouse are ordering in the next couple of weeks, so are interested in your feedback about lab equipment they can stock to help us HBers out. (More brew toys!!)

If you want to send your feedback you can do it on their website or [feedback at labwarehouse .co .nz]

PS: I have no affliation with LBW.
Not yet.... they are still looking into it... but if you want it they will probably be onto it....
Had a reply from grain & grape, happy to send 5lt flask to NZ.$75au + freight,probably going to be a little on the high side of $100 kiwi landed.Anyone found something local / cheaper?
Get them from bio lab 17+ but its a 100 minimum spend and for orders under 250 theres a 30 dollar surcharge you could get 6 of them for around the same price!!
Man that seems cheap, as Mike said are they the borosilicate/heat rated type?

I need to look into it more.
Yip thats what she told me!! the 2l flasks were more expensive!!
Unreal, best be making some phone calls this morning.All I need is some chch folk to help make up the $250 to get the best value
I'll buy 1 off you for the price + frieght my 2L just aint big enough!! Ive lost so much yeast due to headspace in the 2L. As these stirplate pump out the yeast!!
OK heres the guts;
Biolab have 19 x 5lt erlenmyer flasks they want out of and are doing them @ 17.05 +gst +freight X Ak.
They aso have 2lt units for 34 +.

I'll be ordering a ctn of 6 x 5lts so there will be a few available in chch. next week,let me know if you're interested.

i'll take one cost me one up to wellington


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