My first ever rye beer. Approaching this one with an open mind.
Poured dark copper/brown with long lasting large fluffy off white head lasting all the way to the bottom of the glass.
Smells of chocolate with a light fruitiness and something else I can’t quite put my finger on. Meat maybe?
Medium carbonation, slightly chewy with an alcohol warmth. Slight harshness in the finish, bitterness is dominating and too high for my liking.
Burps are dominated by US hops.
No noticeable “semen” flavour, aroma or texture.
Great glass lace.
Overall I found this beer very interesting. A few flavours & aromas in there that are new to me. It’s not a beer I could drink a lot of due to the bitterness but glad to have experienced it. It’s not a beer style I would brew for myself and is therefore great to have turn up in a case swap.
Pours muddy brown with fine mocha head. Nose = raisins, then pine, then citrus, grapefruit i think. Taste = Chewy leather, spices (caraway and maybe cinnamon) more grapefruit. First tastes remind me a lot of my 150 IBU Barelywine - lots of rich vine fruit and alcohol. Can taste the rye and I like it. Love to know the IBU and abv on this one.
All up - very nice beer, reminds me of Christmas for some reason.Wish i had a rigger of it, instead of 750ml. Off to finish my pint now. Cheers!