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Sometime this weekend I'll be brewing my GIRFUY Wee Heavy

Amount Item Type % or IBU
3.40 kg Muntons Light Extract (10.0 SRM) Extract 73.59 %
1.00 kg Pale Malt, Maris Otter (3.0 SRM) Grain 21.65 %
0.15 kg Roasted Barley (300.0 SRM) Grain 3.25 %
0.07 kg Carafa II (412.0 SRM) Grain 1.52 %
40.00 gm Challenger [7.50 %] (60 min) Hops 24.2 IBU
25.00 gm NZ Golding [4.80 %] (15 min) Hops 4.8 IBU
S04 Yeast - to use it up

Expected OG 1.078, Expected FG 1.020, 24SRM 29IBU

Going to home roast the barley for a bit of interest
So as to keep the non-beer geeks happy at my Babys head wetting party, I'm brewing an easy drinking ale. In keeping theme with the other beer for this party... it's un-named thus far apart for the Naked part. For those who are interested, I'm using my home grown Danscade for flavour and aroma.

LMK if any of you's online fullaz are keen for a taste.

She'll be pretty fresh when serving time is proclaimed (May 9th)

Naked_______ Blonde
6-B Blonde Ale
Author: J Wood
Date: 18/04/2009

Size: 24.24 L
Efficiency: 84.0%
Attenuation: 78.0%
Calories: 169.89 kcal per 12.0 fl oz

Original Gravity: 1.051 (1.038 - 1.054)
Terminal Gravity: 1.011 (1.008 - 1.013)
Color: 4.85 (3.0 - 6.0)
Alcohol: 5.25% (3.8% - 5.5%)
Bitterness: 26.1 (15.0 - 28.0)

4.75 kg Pilsner Malt
0.250 kg Melanoidin Malt
10.0 g Nugget (11.6%) - added during boil, boiled 60 min
42 g Home Grown Hops (8%) - added during boil, boiled 12 min
42 g Home Grown Hops (8%) - added during boil, boiled 1 min
1.0 ea Fermentis US-05 Safale US-05

00:03:00 Mash In - Liquor: 12.5 L; Strike: 75.69 °C; Target: 68.0 °C
01:03:00 Saccrification - Rest: 60 min; Final: 67.0 °C
02:03:00 Sparge - Sparge Volume: 20.86 L; Sparge Temperature: 75.6 °C; Runoff: 20.92 L
Let us know how those hops come out bro!
Yeah mate - I'll save you a taste. I'll bring some with me to the WBC on May30.

Blonde Joke 2
Date: 18/04/2009
Style: Blonde Ale
Brewer: JP
Actual Efficiency: 77%

3.80 kg Pale Malt
1.70 kg Pilsner
30.00 gm Tettnang [5.20%] (70 min) Hops 20.3 IBU
20.00 gm Tettnang [5.20%] (25 min) Hops 5.5 IBU
1 tsp Irish moss (10 min)
10.00 gm Riwaka (D Saaz) [5.10%] (0 min) (Aroma Hop-Steep)

30min @ 50 Protein
30min @ 65.6 Saccrification
10min @ 75.6 Mash out

Measured OG: 1.055 SG (Oops...)

Yeast: S05

A brew to get rid of the last of the older crushed malt I had as I thought my efficiency from the last brew was just down to the age of the grain... nope I'm just a crap brewer with bad luck and a couple of mistakes on last brew day so my OG was massive compared to what I was expecting...may have to add some water and hops (boiled) to dilute the ABV down a little.

Yesterday went just without a hitch except for nearly forgetting the irish moss, so extended the boil by 10 mins.
The Propergator!! NZ Ordinary Bitter My Tribute To The Kiwi Beer Bong!!!!!!!! I designed this beer to be drunk through a beer bong, the Theroy is alot like Kid Chocolate its a real session beer!! lol;)

3.2kg Uk Pale
150g Caramunich 2
100g Caramalt
80g Pale Choc

16g Motueka @ 60
15g NZ Cascade Flowers @ 15
15g Motueka @ 15
15g Nz Cascade Flowers @ 0
15g Motueka

67.8 deg Mash

1.039 - 1.012 3.5%

West Yorkshire Ale
Ended up with 1.042 but that aint going to break the bank!!
Admit it, you were scared to go below 1.040 weren't you Mike .. h aha ha ha

But it does look tasty. I can also imagine it without the chocolate
Yeah im a barred up over pale choc at the mo so I used it as my colur adjust! and i was drinking Bookie the other week and was sure I could taste it in there.. Yeah under 1.040 gives me the shits allright!! Fancy that too I actualy got a stuck mash!!!
Isn't it black malt in Bookie ?

Looks like a good balance hop & maltwise, I like the look of it Mike
Yeah shall be a real treat down the Beer bong!! hahaha!!!!! I dont know if it is black malt but I thought I tasted choc in it? might not of though?
Ok heres my plan to free up valuble Fermenter space. After primary the first 4 days and that being Thursday im going to rake my Bitter into the keg where im going to natrualy carb it for 2 weeks at ambient? Basicly like cask conditioning? has anyone tried if so have they had any negitive effects? Or is there something im missing?


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