Gave some to my two year old, who gave a funny look of concentration and then said "MOOOOAAARRR!!"
The second sip seemed to appease him. Won't need to brush his teeth tonight.
I'm fully pleased with how this brew has turned out. This brew feels like "fate". I get this sense of "It was meant to be" when I taste it. Considering how many things could go wrong when brewing... nothing went wrong with this one. It's clean, neutral, well attenuated, hoppy - and relatively drinkable... considering the stats of the brew.
Times are tight, and it would have been a gut wrenching disaster if this brew had turned to custard.
I hope it found it's way to Wellington in good shape.
It's good. Really good. Another month or two under gas and in a near freezing keg and I'd say it would be outstanding. It is raw but there is not a thing wrong with it. This is what I was looking for from Epic Armageddon and Hallertau MHL last year... neither of them were as good as this, proving it is no easy beer to brew.
It is liquified hop sack but there is plenty of malt to carry it. Well done.
Cool, tell me what you think of the Horniman. It reminds me a bit of a Wetherspoons, but the beer is really well kept, and it's an impressive establishment.
I like it, it's another pub chain that name escapes me....there's another under london bridge called the mudlark. Beer is good and cheaper than the average. Market porter is gold on a sunday though!
#1 Simcoe GP Smash: Very definately reminds me of my beer. Simcoe is the shit! Very well brewed: clean, well attenuated. Passionfruit, Lemon, Caramel on the nose. Tastes dry with caramel flavour, hints of grain husk, with pine needles and some passionfruit. Finishes with a pleasant aftertaste of green banana and caramel. Very nice.
#2 IPA. Reminds me of monks habit. Has an orange peel aroma with grapefruit and a floral influence... hints of toffee. Tastes is pine initially, then orange, grapefruit hints of alcohol. Munich takes over with the toffee flavour of a high qualiity dark crystal: where did you get this from? Tastes better than my dark crystal. Aftertaste of warming alcohol and green banana again. Must be a trait of the yeast... funnily enough doesn't seem out of place.
Thanks for this - I'll send some beer your way soon.