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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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I've got the grist sorted but not the hops or the yeast. Once I have I'll post it in the WBC group.

Might brew it over Easter, but more likely next weekend.
Slight change of plan - I had less NZ Hallertau than I thought. Last 2 additions were replaced with Pacific Hallertau instead. IBUs shouldn't be too far off. OG measured at 1.052. Tons of crud in the bottom of the kettle.

Wort is cooling in the fridge now. Starter is ready to pitch in the morning.

My bottomless keg of yummy Porter finally blew dry so I've kegged my Oatmeal Stout (Donkey Oatie). Sipping on an uncarbonated pint of that right now and it's tasting very nice.

A good day but I'm knackered now.
Hey Martin I have never pitched a starter that big for a pilsner.... 3~4 litres with a lag time of about 4~12hours @ 12C.

You could pitch at a higher temp with less yeast and utilise a diacetyl rest after primary.
The Wicker Man

A harvest ale of sorts, based on a load of wet hops Crabbeys has given me (Hallertaus) that have been in the freezer. Not sure what that'll do to the flavour of them, but it'll be an interesting experiment

Pils Malt, Wheat Malt and a tin of Muntons light extract. 25 g Challenger at 60, then the wet hops, 2/3rds in at 15 and then the final 1/3rd at flame out. using S05 yeast cos i want the hops to shine thru.

Aiming for an OG of 1.058 ish
Got this APA done last night:

4.30 kg Golden Promise
1.00 kg Munich Malt
0.25 kg Caramel/Crystal Malt - 40L
0.25 kg Vienna (was supposed to be mor elight crystal but ran out).

19.00 gm Nelson Sauvin 60min

15.00 gm US Cascade 10min
9.00 gm Simcoe 10min

15.00 gm US Cascade FO
10.00 gm Simcoe FO

Finally I hit all my numbers! ended up with 22L @ 1.052

Was a bit too late trying to get the 1332 to fire up in time. If its not going by this evening I'll pitch US-05.
This is the final incarnation of my Irish Red recipe. Any suggestions are welcome.. I realise that this may not be spicifically to style... but I am:

a) Loving CaraAroma
b) Loving US Cascade
c) Loving 1469
d) Loving Mike's attitude to brewing - so this is dedicated to you bro!

This is all bagged and weighed out... so there's no turning back now.

Irish Red
9-D Irish Red Ale

Size: 23.71 L
Efficiency: 82.0%
Attenuation: 76.0%
Calories: 184.56 kcal per 12.0 fl oz

Original Gravity: 1.056 (1.044 - 1.060)
Terminal Gravity: 1.013 (1.010 - 1.014)
Color: 18.02 (9.0 - 18.0)
Alcohol: 5.53% (4.0% - 6.0%)
Bitterness: 25.8 (17.0 - 28.0)

4 kg Maris Otter Pale
1 kg Munich Malt
.2 kg Cara-amber®
.2 kg Cara-aroma®
.1 kg British Dark Crystal
10.0 g Nugget (11.6%) - added during boil, boiled 60 min
50 g Cascade (5.6%) - added during boil, boiled 15 min
50 g Cascade (5.6%) - added during boil, boiled 1 min
1.0 ea Wyeast 1469

00:03:00 Mash In - Liquor: 13.75 L; Strike: 74.35 °C; Target: 67.0 °C
01:03:00 Saccrification - Rest: 60.0 min; Final: 66.0 °C
01:03:00 Untitled Step - Sparge Volume: 22.95 L; Sparge Temperature: 75.6 °C; Runoff: 23.02 L
You might get the IRA knocking on your door with this recipe
I agree - it's more of an "interpretation" than actually sticking to the guidelines.
sounds bloody nice tho
Cheers Mate - time will tell. I'll save you some if you want. I think I'll call it "Murphy’s Bastard Child".
"Dooley Mike's Unknown Offspring"
My Brewing Style is extreme and I dont recomend anyone to get into it and doe's not suit everyone heck I dont think alot of people even like my beer, but its one of those thing once you start you get hooked!! My Brewery Style is Big Beers Big Flavour and OTT on Everything!! To me I dont like subtle hints of cherry pie and I dont want to taste the diffrent stages of a single malt but more I like a Punch in the face with flavour every mouth full to be an a Exsplosin of Flavour and I love holding your glass at arms lenght thinking this is wrong before hurling it back at your face for another mouthfull!! I dont get this with Ordinary bitter!! and it is probably why im probably the NO1 campainer for PKB........... Kids Dont try it at home!!


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