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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Sorry, I was talking about the 666 Gabriel.

Your beers sucked the big kumara. I sniffed them and poured them down the drain... I did contemplate using them in a vinegarette but they were - can you believe it? - too vinegary ;-)

Ha ha... I'll fill you in soon. The Experiwheat and Roggen were very nice. Might crack the others tonight before I play out a mock crucifixion.
Geez - Thanks goodness they weren't infected!
I just wanted to put it out there and give a MASSIVE thanks to Mike Neilson. He is the man!

I never thought I would ever say that I would have had a pint of Pliny the Elder in New Zealand.... Let alone being able to have a few. I'm not going to say what I paid for them - but they were worth every cent. So, thank you Mike for having the Cajones to front up with enough capital - and getting these into the country.

My planned celebratory drinks are now complete.

When the time comes I will be drinking:

Stone Ruination IPA (7.7%) 1 Pint.
Pliny the Elder (8%) 1 Pint
Fullers Vintage Ale (8.5%) 1 Pint - Thanks so much Stu!!!!!!
Naked IIPA (9.5%) ? Pints... I have 17 Litres.

Thanks again.
No worries man!! I'll do it again anytime!!! Its is going to be one hell of a night and the babys head will be well wet!! Im thinking a run on IPA, IIPA and IRS next!! and most defintly one off those BelgianIPA things!! man im thristy thiking about it!!
Tuatara Pilsner, Moa Original, 750ml bottle, Emerson's Taieri George...
The pils - as good and tasty as ever, perfect for an afternoon beer after cleaning and an arvo in the sun gardening. I loved this at the last party as it was uncomplicated, easy drinking that still tasted awesome after I had a lot...I think this says something as if you drink more than a couple of boring NZ lagers they taste sweet and terrible.

The Moa - well, have to thanks Dave for this as I may never have bought it for myself. I might now. There was a dull "pop" when opening the bottle but, boy, did it have life. Poured with a huge head (I love that); thick, tight and creamy bubbles a plenty. It was cloudy and had a slightly spicey nose with some yeastiness. The taste was juicy bitterness...with some of the front of your teeth acidity that makes you salavte. I thought there was a bit of pineapple...It was suggested I was wrong, but..

Taieri - Seems appropriate for easter...Hot cross buns all over it. Citrus peel, spicey cinnamon, slightly doughy. Something slightly spritzy about it as well. Nice lacing on the glass. Deep amber colour. Reckon this would be a hit with a few of my non-beery friends.

Am off to Rota-vegas tomorrow. Would love to visit Croucher but over easter and with 4 nieces and nephews between almost 4-just turned 9, I am not sure sure.

Great to see the Radler story on the news. Has anyone found a lawyer to challenge yet?
James and Wells were looking at some pro bono work to challenge IPONZ on the trademark. Not sure where that is at.

Vegas eh? Be sure to visit whatever-the-Belgian-bar-that-used-to-be-called-chambers-is-called. :) Interesting beer selection there, stuff you don't often see, especially on tap. Not sure how you'll deal with the nieces and nephews issue, but you're a beer lover. You'll find a way! Hell, I'm tempted to join you. It's been AGES since I've been there.
Last pint of my Mayhem stash. It's aging quickly, but still very tasty. I miss it already.
Joking's TTL clone - mmm, love that orange marmalade character. Maybe a touch too much carbonation for this whingeing pom, and the caramel got a little out of balance towards the bottom of th epint, but so did I. Very nice stuff, and thanks for sending it up mate.

Young's Special London Ale - this used to be my favourite bottled beer back in the UK, then they moved it to Bedford and rouined it. This was almost back on course. Tons of that orangey marmalade character again, but solid gritty bitterness underpinning. Maybe a little sweet?

Then a head-to-head between my Anniversary Day Porter and Barry's porter. Tough call - Barry's a bit drier, longer finish, possibly more stylistically accurate. However (and not blowing my own trumpet here) I prefer the drinkability of mine - bit more depth of sweetness in the mid-palate. Great to have the opportunity to compare.

Pleasant evening after a day of brewing and kegging.
That was the 2nd to last bottle... I'm glad you didn't get the one with the earwig in it!
Joking's IIPA. Dental enema!
Yeah - she's a bit rough around the edges... might need a month or two to smooth out!
Harden UP!!!!!!


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