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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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I always have a pale'ish ale and a brown/porter on hand then experiments of various styles coming and going. Usually 4-5 beers to choose from.

I did a split boil for my SMaSH beers (same wort split and then hopped and fermented seperately). I've decided to keep the technique going forward for a while as it allows me to have different beers on hand for minimal effort (an extra fermenter to clean). I'm even thinking of splitting a base wort and steeping different grain in each. Two completely different beers from one brew day, 10L each.
Porter Bitches!

1.064 76% ADMPils 10% Munich 6% Crystal 50L 5% Choc Malt 3% Black 37IBU Challenger bittering UK Fuggles 15 mins 21g/22L NZ Goldings 0 mins 21g/22L you-ess-oh-five 67C Mash
I like the look of your Recipe Glen. Have you started it yet?
Yup, almost finished, just about to rehydrate the yeast.

I munted my boil off calcs somehow and ended up with way too much wort end of boil haha, should have kept boiling really but oh well, 8 points under OG!!! Hahahaha.
At least you wont be under pitching anymore!!!!

Good work on the seasonal rightness of brewing this. What's next on the horizon?
Haha true bro, still well within style guidelines, just a little more bitter than expected but hey, what's wrong with that eh?

Got a good chunk of 2124 in the fridge, thinking malty lager, munich helles most likely.
Cider today. Not sure if that counts as brewing.

Juiced approx 50kg of apples in an electric juicer, the first one of which broke and required a visit to Briscoes to pick up another one. $160 for 23 litres of cider! Better taste okay.

Apples were roughly a 1/3rd each mix of Granny Smiths, a red delicious or similar from my back garden and an unidentified heritage cooking apple. OG = 1.044. Currently mulling over yeast selection. Maybe some champagne yeast or some S04
Are you after a dry Cider - or one with bit of body?
I want dry, but my fiancee wants something sweeter. I'm moving towards Champagne yeast, mostly because I've not got any other use for it
Oatmeal Stout.

brewing tomorrow.

4.5 kg Marris otter
400 g rolled oats
350 g Chocolate
250 g Roasted barlet
250 g crystal
200g wheat bix
50 g Motueka hops 60 minutes
West Yorkshire ale yeast starter

I'm expecting an OG around 1.065-FG 1.015
5.8 ABV
35 IBU

I am continually impressed by this yeast and I can thoroughly recommend it for any ale. It tends to give a smooth, nutty finish. High attenuation, my last brew, an APA went from 1.057 to 1.010, in 4 days! It is very reliable, hardy and very forgiving. This is the third brew in a row, I have used it on.
Whereas I've had nightmares trying to get the same yeast to settle out and clear itself up! After all the good reports I've seen, I must have been doing something wrong. I just wish I knew what.
If you like that you will like 1099 as well - a lovely ale yeast. Soft as a baby's bottom and about as fruity and nutty too!


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