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Quick question.

Any one know where to get it? Or have any ideas?

Have had a look on google but doesn't bring up much. Asked Mike @ BC and he didn't know either. Kinda need it for this weekend.


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No help here as I just ordered mine from CB.
How about: here?
Talk to your local Craft Brewery... aren't you fellas going to Steam some time soon?
Possibly. Would like to have it on hand for this weekend so will check out James' suggestion first.
Are you after the Chloride for your Amber Ale?
Nah, by the looks of things I'll probably get away with just CaCO3 for the AAA.

The little devil on my shoulder is telling me to add a touch of gypsum to bring the sulfate level of my water up for the hops, the little angel is telling me KISS. Don't you hate it when you don't know which one to go with?

Wanted to get all the salts and have a little play around, maybe make a 10L batch or something. Will probably hold off though.
Go with the Angel.
Awesome, cheers.

So going by Palmer's spread sheet to get me in the range I need like 6g of CaCO3 (around 3.3tsp) for a 16L mash (37.6L water needed in total, 30L pre boil, 22L post boil, and then 20L into the fermenter). Sound about right?

Worth using a little tartaric acid in the sparge water, or save that for another day?

Questions, questions, questions....appreciate the help everyone.

I'm really hoping this water stuff sorts out a few problems.
Check the pH once you have doughed in and adjust as necessary. CaCO3 will raise the level of alkalinity in your mash and in turn haveing a higher pH- so the best option is to dough in before you add any salts or acid at all. Once you have tested the water, make any adjustments as necessary. I'm not sure ifyou'll need to add the carbonate, so if you still want to add it, maybe half would be safe?

Yeah, half's probably a safe bet.

If I've done everything right with Palmer's spreadsheet and nomograph then I need more RA. Also I don't think some Ca would go amiss in the beer, from what I've read it could solve a few of my problems.
Well, good luck - I hope it turns out well for you. Hmmmmm American Amber... Irish Red... could work - test the Judge tasting abilities!
I think they might spot the 120g of not very Irish late hop additions :-P


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