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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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So far tonight, since I'm home alone:

1x case swap bound Black Francis porter to quality taste test it - maybe a touch too much black patent but nice enough i think
1x ginger ninja ginger beer, mostly sugar with some marris otter. Now tastes like a lemon strepsil expect 6.5%abv
4x Pilsner Urquell, currently $9 a 6 pack at new world Stanmore Rd. Short dated but still good
Had the pleasure of being sent a range of Moa 750ml bottles, and a St Joseph which I am going to keep for a while. Opened the Blanc on Friday and found it pink...It was the Harvest!! Besides that fact that it didn't go with the dinner I planned, I quite enjoyed it. It definitely had the sour afternotes that I like in a cherry beer. I can't say I tasted anything too different from the 375ml bottle at the Regionals tasting, maybe slightly more yeasty - definitely had some sediment in the bottom of the bottle after it was poured. Am looking forward to the Moa Original some time in the next few weeks.

Also had some Pale Ryder, 3 Boys IPA and Founders Fair Maiden over the weekend, and some Tuatara Pilsner at my housewarming. Nothing overly exciting but it is always good to get decent beers in the rigger.
Funny you should mention this. I just read the Duffman rating of Harvest the other day and sent him a message saying that if it wasn't pink he should try again as it is definitely not Harvest. Seems like he got a Blanc. That's quite a cock up!

How can I get the range of 750ml Moa sent to me??????

Tonight I've been drinking the last of my first crack at a strong dark Belgian. I really really like it (everyone else seems to love it) but it lacks a little complexity for 7.5%. Will try again later in the year.

Beer of the week for me: RCH Double Header (Moa Original meets an English IPA). Awesome. Thanks to Craig Bowen who dropped it off for me on Beer Fest weekend.
Slight correction Stu, Harvest doesn't have a pink colour. Looking at Duffman's comments he did get a Harvest so no cock up! Harvest is a beer which polarises people (nothing wrong with that) and his comments are similiar to those from the do not like camp. It is an interesting beer which has attracted some non beer drinkers to our range.

How do you get some of the 750ml range sent to you....check out the order form on our website.
I stand corrected. Sorry my memory tricked me (but my notes can't):

Tasted 21/12/2007. 375ml bottle - ’Steward’s Choice’ from BrewNZ. I’ve been looking at this in the cellar for sometime and was feeling rather dubious - I’m not sure why, as I love the Moa Original. The Harvest pours a hazy pinkish gold with a bouyant white head. Vibrant nose of yeast and over-ripe raspberries. Someone mentions the beer is made with cherries but it’s nothing like the cherry character of Kriek. Very cleansing in the mouth, quite tart - making it a very decent apertif. Off dry and light, but the lovely creaminess in the yeasty finish give it a fuller feel. Reminiscent of a sweetish champagne or, perhaps, sparkling rose. Very nice breakfast beer indeed! Great to see another kiwi beer that’s not choc’ full o’ hops.

I remember it being the type of beer that Moa should be brewing. I'm sure a few people would agree. I've only tasted it once since and it was also very good.

Harvest, Blanc and Original almost always taste good to me. Blanc is an interesting beer because it suits the Moa style but, really, who buys it? Harvest, for mine, is closer to what I want in an everyday fruit beer that Invercargill Boysenberry or Twisted Hop Raspbiery Saison (the recent 330ml one, not the original 500ml one). Everyone here knows that Original is definitely one of my stand out New Zealand beers of all time - it has been tasting great recently too. Keep it up.
Hi Steph, I threw you a curve ball by sending you a trial beer in the Blanc bottle. No it wasn't Harvest, nor Blanc but a Blackcurrant beer I have been playing around with, hence the sourness and colour. It should have been completely different to any of the 375ml range you tasted! Pleased you enjoyed it. The others are all true to label.
Tricked! Have I ruined any cred I had?!? At least I didn't think it was the Blanc. Seems I might have to drink a few more of the beers to work out what they look like...Beside the St Joseph, I am not sure I'd tried them before the tasting. Obviously didn't pick the blackcurrant flavour.

I had planned to match the Blanc with some slightly curried vege puffs with some corriander in them. Thought it would be a nice match. Had biryani for dinner with a pale ale. (It worked well). And yes, both homemade...I quite like the concept of beer and food matching.

I was thinking that the 750mls would be substantially different because of the champagne style. I'll be interested to see how the others go. Might have to get the 375mls to compare at the time. Am off to a wine festival on the weekend so it will have to wait another week or so.
Tonight - to be shared with a mate:
Emersons Oatmeal Stout
PInk Elephant Rushin Imperial Stowt
Pink Elephant Mammoth
Emmersons Old 95
Renaissance Stonecutter
Plus the last bottle of each of my 'Golden Mild' ale & "The Joker" (landlordesque).
If that doesn't finish us off I have some Rockhopper.

Backed up with plenty of Dubliners music to celebrate St Paddys
The Benefits of being the Collector of the Case Swap!!

Dales PKB Clone

Ready a waiting!! man im gready.
Let us know how it stacks up mate.
Don't drink it yet! It hasn't fully carbonated plus it would've got quite shaken up on the way over, was on the back of a 50 year old Vespa so not exactly a smooth ride :-p
I always enjoy seeing Aventinus pop up on peoples lists of beers!

I've said it before - Aventinus is the beer that got me into brewing All Grain. I have had at least half a dozen cracks at cloning it - and the flavour still alludes my brewery.


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