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Ok - so this might seem a little weird and PC by my usual standards but in team meetings at work I encourage people to give a quick "barometer" check of their week to see how they are going. It helps people crystallize their thoughts into the essential things that are going on. So I thought I would try it here on the forum.
There are only 3 rules:
1. You must provide an answer when asked as you would in a team meeting at work - if you are lucky enough ;-) (volunteer out of turn - it's fine on a forum);
2. You may have as many highs for the week as you can reasonably think of but at least one is compulsory; and
3. You may have a maximum of only 1 low for the week.

So what are my items this week? Glad you asked....

1. California Lager yeast (Wyeast 2112) - wow, just loving it and the fact that beers take so little time to condition up!
2. Quick disconnects for my gas on my corny kegging system - how did I live before hand. If people want to get you a cheap but valuable present for birthday/father's day/any other reason then get them to buy you a QD's for less than $35.

1. Promising 15L of beer to a friend on Friday 30th May and knowing that you don't have a hope in hell as it's that good it won't last that long! ;-)


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Highs: Checking out the Golden Bear Brewing Company in Mapua.... Their Pale Ale rocks! (as does drinking it on the wharf when the sun is shining and its 29c)

Lows: Forgetting to buy some to bring back to Welly!

Kempicus- dont think the Three Boys Plum is available as Ralph only made a limited batch....
Dammit that was my great hope for three boys redemption.....ah well ;0)
Haven't tried a couple of their others so might have to do that....
It's available through beerstore.co.nz
Highs of the last week or so -
1) a new baby, of course.
2) Golden Malted Apple Beer
3) Reaquainting myself with Burton Bridge Empire Ale
4) Loads of Kid Chocolate - and I'm as happy with it in the bottle (carbonated) is I am on handpump.
Slight topic highjack but when/where is the Kid Choc going to be available in the South Island
Not sure exactly when but it should be on at a couple of places in Chch at least and a couple in Dunedin. Probably already on at Invercargill Brewery's bottle store.

Ask at the usual suspects. They all know Craig Bowen of BeerNZ really well, and can get it through them. I hope you enjoy, it is a fair bit more subtle than the last two releases but it passes the 5 pint test (as in I felt like a 6th!).
Muahahaha, RCC has a keg on the way. I cannae wait.
To be judged by the Master of Mild, I'm nervous...
You flatterer you.
Well, you are the champ.
4/5 for flattery?
and nothing for us in AKL? :-(
Just spoke to Craig of beer NZ at the tasting at the Thirsty bloke and he indicated that Kid Choc would be on tap at Poms in Chch once the keg of Little Red Rooster is finished. Good news!


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