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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Sounds tasty, what base malt?
gladfield ale 5kg
A Robust porter for case swapping was BIAB'd yesterday ;-)

87% Marris Otter
5% Light Crystal
3% CaraAroma
3% Pale Choc
2% Choc
(thanks Joking for the grain bill suggestion). Mashed in around 68.

40g @ 60
15g @ 30
15g @ 15
15g @ FO to 31 IBU Will dry hop too with the last 15g in the pack

OG 1.052 which was under my target of 1.058 - my water calculations were a bit off.

Have a 1.5L starter of 1469 just starting to wake up now....wishing I had a stir plate to build it up quicker - it took a while to come back to life. I've got it sitting on a heatpad - no problems with this?
Shouldn't be, just watch the temps, I've had 25L batches get to like 28C on those things :-S

Sounds tasty, look forward to this one. I decided porter is going to be my beer of the winter this year.
I brewed a belgian style Dubbel yesterday.

Moew info here for those who are interested.
Two brews today - an experimental (or just mental) alcoholic ginger beer for a weekend away with mates in Wanaka. Even if its undrinkable I'm sure they'll drink it.
Followed by an ESB because now i've got 2 fermenters I can, and won't get a chance next weekend

Muntons Light Extract (10.0 SRM) Extract 54.84 %
Pale Malt, Maris Otter (3.0 SRM) Grain 32.26 %
Caramel/Crystal Malt - 20L (20.0 SRM) Grain 9.68 %
Wheat Malt, Bel (2.0 SRM) Grain 3.23 %

Hopping with equal amounts Challanger and NZ Golding at 60,30,15 and flame out
I'm brewing a low alcohol ginger beer. The idea was to repeat what my Dad used to do for us when we were kids. I'm not exactly sure how he brewed it, but we really enjoyed drinking it. I'm not sure if my current brew will be low enough for us to allow our children to drink it - we shall see!

After that I'm planning to brew my first Munton's Export Stout. I'm just using liquid malt extract kits from the Brew Shed but am enjoying how easy it is to make some good tasting beer. I bottled a Munton's Export Pilsner last Thursday and it smelled great.
An as-yet nameless Best Bitter:

3kg Golden Promise
0.5kg Munich
0.2kg Caramunich II
0.2kg Wheat malt
0.15kg Caraaroma (thanks Tyler!)

90 minute boil (coz I overshot my sparge volume and undershot my target OG)

30g Pacifica (formerly Pacific Hallertau) @ 60 mins
20g Motueka @ 15 mins
20g NZ Styrian Goldings @ flameout

Wyeast 1469PC West Yorkshire Ale (re-used, made a big (2.5l) starter and picthed at full kraeusen)

All went pretty smootly other than the volumes being wrong going into the boil. The 90 minute boil seems to have fixed that though, so I've hit my target OG (1.043) and 27 IBUs.

Looking for a malt-driven session bitter.
Looking for a malt-driven session bitter.

I think you 'll get a pretty distinctive hop character there too with the motueka @ 15 and Styrians FO

Never used the cara-aroma, but I'm sure the Munich and cara II (nice malt, that) will carry it along nicely
I like the yeast a lot. If you get a chance to taste the latest Yeastie Boys beer you will see that there's a strong similarity to the Galbraith's yeast. Very nice. Lightly fruity but it lets both the hop and the malt shine through nicely. Keen to play with it some more at home.

Interesting that you've gone with Scottish malt, English yeast and German specialty malts... quite a combination. There must be a name in that... McVolks Best. Just going down pub.
Brewing Joking's 'West Coast Blonde Ale' - just happened to have all the right ingredients too hand and wanting to do a SMASH

6kg Golden Promise
Simcoe to 25 IBU
Wyeast 1332 (Northwest)

15min into the boil. The eff. I got from BIAB was impressive. BG looked pretty high. My calculations are a bit random (hence buying Beersmith) - will update with OG - aiming for about 25L.
Hey with the Biabs higher starting gravitys or better efficientcys do you still get good attenuation?


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