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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Just returned from an unscheduled trip to Welly, Never to let a chance slip I made the obligatory trip to Regionals. Amongst other things, I just drank my first ever bottle of Timothy Taylor landlord. I see why now the level of interest shown by homebrewers in this beer, Surely one of the most amazing malt profiles I've ever tasted. Also picked up a Paradox, 3 Boys Plum and a French Cider to help with my current research. Cheers
Oh mate, the Le Piere Jules... that is one fantastic cider. You'll wish you purchased a dozen!
Its a shame, my wife's on anti-biotics for a week so I've been told to stay my hand till she can help me drink it. Just staring at it on the shelf for now.....
Now into number ??? pint of my Czech Lager (100% Czech Saaz) brewed a little while ago, that has been "maturing" while I found a new fridge. It's a little under carbed, however is very drinkable! Has a malty taste, and not enough flavour from hop additions... that's okay redemition is on it's way this weekend with a "Blonde Joke" (thanks Joking) Ale. 95% Pale, 5% Carapils 100% Riwaka.
Emerson's Pale Ryder.
- First glass, meh. Too sweet.
- Second glass, hmm... this is different. It's growing on me.
- Third glass, why is there no more!!!? Wow. Sweet and spicy. So spicy.
Hmm Pale Ryder!! Diffrent!! Just drinking Reviled Bourbon Porter. Cause I deserve It!!
Reminds me of Renaissance Perfection but doesn't quite have the malt depth to carry the hop flavour like Perfection does. Think it would have been fine with American hops but there is a little more harshness in the NZ hops through the middle.
Don't get me wrong - it's a really bloody lovely drop, and perfectly executed as always. Perhaps we should call Luke 'The Executioner' - it's a good Epic name for him. The Executioner's Mayhem. The Executioner's Armageddon. Yeh, I like that, it's better than Brother Luke.
Get it while it lasts fellas... and it won't last long.
I just got the last glass of Mayhem, at Hallertau, yesterday! Very nice. A little subtle than Armageddon, I thought, more balanced and rounded in flavours, but still hoppy as fuck.
So if Hallertau is out, Regional are getting close to selling out of Mayhem on tap (as they tried to order 4 more kegs - sorry all kegs allocated), and The Malthouse have been doing a keg a day from what Colin tells me.

I hope the labels are ready on Tuesday as promised by the label company, after too many delays, so I can start shipping the 500ml bottles.

The Executioner
When I went into Regionals yesterday they said the had 2 more + what was on all ready!!
excellent then I will get the 500ml bottles of Mayhem to them before they run out on the FYO
I wanna be in on a few of these bottles.

Any heads up for places in AK to look for bottles?

Cheers, will camp out overnight if need-be.


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