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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Got any Lager Yeast? That would make a nice Swartzbier. See if you can wangle some San Frncisco Lager off Tony for this. It can handle temps up to 16 degrees no sweat - the flavor profile for wyeast2112 is ideal for your malt grist.
I can go down the road to White Cliffs Brewery (Mikes Mild Ale) and get some for you if you like?
Shit that would be awsome!!!
When do you want it by? He said last time to give him a couple of days notice before picking it up. It might arrive overnight after I send it.

The yeast is pretty good - I used it last year in a Pilsner which is nice and clean.
Next wed? I would need to culture a bit of it correct? as it would only be a little sample? how much for it?
You wont need to culture it if I get a couple of hundred mls of yeast from the bottom of his fermenter - you be able to pitch it straight away. I bit of a 2Litre starter and a spin on the stir plate wouldn't hurt though.

Dont worry about cost... this is a beer community after all! Yin and Yang and all that shit.
Brilliant sounds good, Beer in return then!!
I'll see what I can do.
Where are you Mike? I have some California lager.
They were using wyeast 1084 the last time I spoke to the owner (the guy with dreads, can't remember his name sorry). That was a couple of years ago.

Yum, German Porter (Dark Alt?). A clean ale yeast will be good.


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