Anyone joined the AHA? Individual international membership is $44 USD for 1 year, $79 USD for 2 years. I'm currently subscribed to the excellent BYO magazine, but wondering (given the relatively high currency exchange atm) whether it's worth joining AHA so I can read the email forums and Zymurgy mag.
Not worth it. has been a great forum for me, and although I'm a newb to it - I have still learned a lot about brewing. It's free too - and most guys on here know their shit from their elbow. Mix that in with a bit of J Z podcast - and that's all I need.
The magazine is really good. I find I don't have the time to read through the forums. I'll drop a ferw magazines up to you Glynn, then you can decide yourself.
I was a member for a year. Haven't rejoined yet but it is on my mind... Like Joking says, the forum here is good and I find you can stretch yourself a bit thin.
Like Joking said, throw JZ podcast into the mix. I've also found the Basic Brewing Radio podcasts really helpful. When I started brewing again last year after an 8 year break, I used back episodes of BB Radio to catch up on what all had changed since I had given up brewing). Lot's of good stuff dating back for several years (and they're based out of my original home state of Arkansas.... YEEE HAWWWW!).
I've not listened to JZ much, and subscribed just yesterday. Regularly listen to the BB guys when I have time (and follow their tweets) - they were really helpful to start off in demythifying the whole process of brewing (their videos aren't terrible either, though a little bit lightweight in terms of content).
The JZ podcasts are superb. Definitely the best show on the Brewing Network, although Brew Strong has some excellent geeky detail, and The Session has its moments. Shame that Jamil has now finished going through all the styles, but there's an excellent archive of stuff.
On a vaguely-related tangent there was an episode of The Session just before Christmas which interviewed the new brewmaster at Murray's in Oz. He bigged-up Kiwi hop varieties. And his ex-boss is now popping up over here I see...