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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Post your gear and recipe and we'll have a look.
Go with something you know well. A relatively simple recipe. Enjoy getting to know your new gear.
Awesome.. i still love mine.
i've got a stack load of recipes lined up, but will probably start with something like a bitter or pale ale.

any quirks of the gear you've found?
I dont have the bbb setup - so yeah, I've got quirks... many quirks!

I guess the best way is to find out for yourself aye?
As I say, they're awesome.
Make sure you have a tight fit on the line leaving the mash tun - keep the air out and your run off will be a delight.
Don't try to push it too far early on, like anything they have their limits and a stuck mash is not fun. I've got 12kg in mine without any problems. If you're going a pale ale or a bitter you'll have no worries there.
If you don't mind me asking, what was the price of the B3-200 landed in nZ?
Can't remember just that part.... $ was better when I got mine, two years ago, but I did get stung by 7% excise and 12.5% GST.... I got the B3-200 along with 5 kegs (with a great recondition job), a regulator, a SS kettle and an unusable gas bottle, plus a few other bits and pieces, for about $1,800 landed I think.
Oh, yeh, i forgot about the immersion chiller... and the "sparge arm of envy".

Actually, duty may not have been charged on the plastics for me - just the stainless and the gas gadgets.
sparge arm of envy? what's that?!
i got stung by low kiwi dollar, but didn't get charged duty (got charged gst tho). got the brew system and a wort chiller and a few other bits and pieces for about a grand.
Could just me but an IPA to me is English (Ameriacn never sent beer to India Did they?). So I call them some times an Imperial APA as I use American ingredients not english an Imperial IPA would use English hops malt etc. But this is just my way thinking (I do think backwards sometimes) and of making sure I know what im brewing drinking. So forgive me if I write in my own slang.
Oh yup, just wanted to clarify there wasn't a style I was missing out on, thought it might have been your average gravity APA with (A)IPA hopping rates or something.

I see where you're coming from but to me it's an American-style IPA. Do I need to send my beer to India to claim IPA-status? ;-P


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